Personal journal (editorial or commentary)

BQR Control Panel Mark II

Last few months I have been working on a redesign of the BQR control panel. I had decided to use DTM30s to drive the display and control the electrically operated turnouts in the layout. Turnouts in the proximal Deseronto yard are operated with Modratec levers -- a very solid and satisfying mechanical link with a well designed coupling mechanism.

mikedeverell's picture

January 2015 update on the Colorado Front Range railroad

Here is an update on the the layout. Little on wiring, Train runs 112 feet of the mainline, and the new spline work through Palmer Lake. so sit back and enjoy the video.


Mike Deverell


fernpoint's picture

Cornhill & Atherton - The Locomotive Roster story

This is the latest paint and weather job - C&A’s number 3 locomotive.

It started life as a Bachmann “Russian Iron” in mint condition dcc fitted, which I got on eBay for somewhere around a ludicrous 45 dollars. No one else was bidding – right time/right place I guess.

Other than fitting a tender light and replacing the decoder (and painting of course), I haven’t made any changes.

A New Year Resolution

The last blog post was in February 2015 and the last one to do with any progress on the layouts is over a year old. 2014 was really a year of no modelling whatsoever. read more...

rickwade's picture

My operating HO scale TV on my Richlawn RR layout

Yesterday I added a pretty cool feature to my Richlawn RR layout - a "working" TV!  I got the idea from seeing the radio repair shop details on this site and the super detail of the interior.  I already had a ready made structure with a large front display window so all I need to do was add the TV, and this is how I did it:

HO Vehicles with turning wheels? Where to buy?

Does anyone make HO scale highway buses, trucks, automobiles, vans or anything on that order with turning wheels?  I don’t mean wheels that just rotate, but wheels that rotate and also turn left and right.  Faller comes to mind, but the price point is beyond my comfort zone and budget.

I have stumbled all over the Internet, but can’t find anything besides Faller.


rickwade's picture

My special effects video on the Richlawn Railroad

I had this idea where I could create a pretty neat effect over the mountain area of my Richlawn Railroad V2.  The mountain area is about 6 feet wide by 3 ft high by 2 feet deep.  I wanted the ability to have: 1.) Moving  clouds over the mountains (and maybe airplanes flying by) during the day; 2.) A storm scene complete with thunder clouds, lightening, and thunder, and 3.) A night scene with twinkling stars, a moon, and shooting stars.

skiloff's picture

Is Modeling Trains boring?

While I considered putting this in for a Reverse Running submission, I figured it wouldn't be accepted and eagerly await it being marked as spam, but I just have to say this, while partially tongue-in-cheek, there is an underlying truth here.  

arbe's picture

CY&PRR - Steel Stud Benchwork

In my introductory post, http:// I talked about my satisfaction with using steel stud material for benchwork, mentioning the favorable characteristics of strength, stability, light weight, ease of use, and economy.  I first learned of using steel studs from and article by Jonathan Miner in April 2000 Model Railroader Magazine.   Materials are easily obtained at most home and building centers.  Follow along as I describe this technique.

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