Personal journal (editorial or commentary)

Model Railroading's Greatest Hits
So often, we spend countless hours and dollars (or Euros or Yen or whatever) trying to duplicate in miniature the way some object or scene existed at some very specific time and place. I'm as guilty of it as anyone, and probably a lot more than most. It's called being a rivet counter. The truth is, I enjoy it. I get a great deal of satisfaction out of researching some arcane bit of railroad history and then modeling it to the best of my ability.
On the other hand...

So you want a private phone system to communicate on your railroad
I set out to build a phone system for my layout so we could use ABS and Track Warrants on my new layout. I saw some information in the pass but not much on how or what you need to build your own phone company in your layout room.
This video I made goes over what I have found and some ideas that I looked into that start at $125 to build your own phone system that will work. I have also included below in link as to where I bought parts.
this is the link to my video:
Resurrecting more "dead" rolling stock
Several months ago I grabbed a "box of junk" at a train show for next to nothing dollar wise. The two cars pictured here were in the box along with a CP F7A engine (it runs) and 3 other cars. The 2 pictured cars are Tonshodo brass CP Vista Dome observation cars that I am currently attempting to resurrect. The pictured seating is home made and incorrect for the boat tail car, so some time will be required to acquire the correct seating or make my own. One end of one of one of the car floors was also broken and I have repaired that problem.
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