Personal journal (editorial or commentary)
Face to a Name
I find its really nice to be able to put a face to a name on this forum and appreciate all those who have done it so far eg, Michael, Rick, Verne Rob etc etc.
To date I have been slack and not followed suit. Today, however, I have changed that situation and would like to know if anyone else on the forum is OK to do the same. The process is really easy - just select My Account, click on Edit, scroll down to Picture and upload a file and just remember to click save
my coffee table layout begins
this is my coffee table display layout. this was the beginnings with only the bottom level being glued down. if this post works more will follow with more images. the plan is simply 3 loops not connected. they start at the bottom in a proposed city with a streetcar line. moving out the next level steps up and the outer level steps up again. the other pictures show this.
SMA 13 - Update to the 17 Pin Configurable Multi Function Decoder / Accessory Decoder Version Added
Because of the interest in this project (Details can be found here: ) more example decoder variations have been added and some start up timing problems have been fixed. The new libraries and examples can be downloaded from here (Updated November 26, 2016):
Nelson and Fort Sheppard Railway -- Introduction
This is the blog of the Nelson and Fort Sheppard Railway. Not the real one from the 1890's in British Columbia's southern interior, but the HO scale one in my basement. The layout is set in two periods 1985-2001 so I can run some Burlington Northern equipment that I grew up around, and the present day so I can model the CP equipment I see today.
Loco parts frustration
I had two diesels recently converted to DCC w/sound. That part works. When I got them back from the shop that did the installation, several parts were missing and/or broken. Of course, we went through the "dance" of them being already in that condition and "it was not my fault." With a partial refund, I declared it a "wash" and opted to just replace the parts myself. There's the rub.
Tea Time! A Brief Manifesto
I like tea. (I am just not a coffee person)
Now, my tea enjoyment can go beyond the cup...... and onto my model railroad! (Part 3 of my "Low (or No) Cost Ways to Enjoy Your Hobby" series)
What's on your workbench - October 2014
Did I miss it for this month? I finally have a workbench again, and am eager to post!
Finally -- Working on the Napanee Viaduct
After having entirely too much fun this summer doing anything but working on the railroad, I am finally back at it. Started to build the landscaping contours around the Napanee River -- which forced me to expand what I was using to represent the viaduct. Today it is a two track arrangement and there are traces on the existing stonework that at some time it was widened to handle the second track. With the usual poetic license and rather extreme compression, the original river valley has been reduced to a section of the falls.
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