
Lancaster Central reboot.

I installed the new backdrop for the Lancaster city side of the layout.

Lancaster Central #17 is headed south 

my BLI consolidations barely squeeze under the openings 

a bump in the main track in currently forcing all traffic onto the passing track. 

IAISfan's picture

IAIS's West End - Attention to Derails

As I mentioned back in my blog post about switch locks ( ), I've long planned to add working derails to my layout in order to further immerse my crews in the experience of their prototype counterparts.  I finished that task about a week ago and thought I'd share what I found in case others were interested.

Description and photos follow in the first reply.

andy.dorsch's picture

CNW Marshline Layout Update - Eldorado

Hey folks.

I've taken some time off from posting to my blog here on MRH to focus on some things that needed taking care of.  But I've managed to do a little modeling in the meanwhile and I'm going to share my progress with you.  I've been making progress on the Eldorado module of the Chicago and Northwestern Marshline.  So much so I've actually laid some track and started to put in foam.  

Check out my progress in the video posted below!  Thanks for watching!  Let me know what you think!

jterryc's picture

A-Track - Support for NCE DCC Systems - Updated

This announcement about A-Track, a FREE easy-to-use software application for NCE DCC systems, is posted with the generous permission of Joe Fugate, in the hope that some of the MRH community may find it useful. Any comments or queries are very welcome.

A-TRACK Version 4.4.206 has now been released

The Hills Line - Photons and Electrons

A less than glamorous set of photos highlighting the nuts and bolts of The Hills Line is on tap for today.

First up shows the layout specific lighting installation. I went with T5 Integrated LED strips, which compliment the existing fluorescent fixtures in the space. Overall the space is evenly lit and balanced, but still puts emphasis on the layout.

joef's picture

Distractions from the hobby

I've had a lot of distractions from doing the hobby in the last few months, not the least of which is finding my birth parents (I'm adopted).

I've also been enjoying some of the hobby by being on the road shooting layout tours -- I've just not been working on my own layout much.

I've Been Working on the Railroad!


Prepping the West Sacramento scenery for the buildings under construction.

FWWR FINALLY coming to life

Well for what seems like an eternity, bench work for the FWWR main deck has started. Staging Yard is complete and now addressing the helix to main deck meeting.


The Pine Spur Chronicles

What started out to be a simple new layout with a loop of track, inspired by the one-town layout design concept, has morphed into a railroad that I have become very excited about building. It is still a basic loop that will start and end in a four track staging loop and pass through the town of Waipahu (pronounced “why pa who”) where cars will be left for the branch line. 

johnsong53's picture

3D Printing - Rotary Coal Dumper

I have been reading with interest for some time all of the things that are being created in railroad with 3D printing. I finally broke down an purchased a printer and decided to do a project I have wanted to do for some time.

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