johnsong53's blog

Athearn Power Truck
Hi All;
Does anyone happen to know the size and pitch of the Athearn worm gear in an SD40-2 truck? I am building a TP56 industrial switcher and need a worm gear with a longer shaft so I can mount the flywheel on the opposite side of the truck. If I know the size and pitch of the Athearn worm I can buy a aftermarket gear.
Thanks for any help/

Locomotive Headlights
Well its been awhile since I posted. I now have a resin printer and have been working on the UP/Relco vegetation control train which I hope to make available through ETSY in the near future. I wanted the model to use the headlights shown below, but these are no longer made so I decided produce them myself.

Relco MOW in HO scale - part 4
The crawler car itself was the easiest care to build as the body was printed in one piece. All it required was painting, decaling, and the addition of grab irons. The car shown below has the crawler platforms sitting on top. Notice the weights added below the platforms. The only thing remailing here is some touchups and a coat of flat spray.

Summertime Railroading
Well summertime has taken toll on model railroading. If you have followed my blog you know that I have at least two projects in the works but I don't seem to get to finishing them due to outside interests.
The other day I got bored but didn't want to get into the projects so I decided to do a little design work. A future project is a Vehicle Repair and lay down area for the Chippewa. Of course I am waiting on Walther's to release the kit. The laydown area will have equipment enclosures, signals, grade crossing equipment, etc.

Relco MOW in HO scale - part 3
I finally received the remainder of the cars for the MOW train from Shapeways and have started building the well cars. Once I started the building process, I discovered that I had to make some modifications to the car. First the stirrup steps were too flexible and tended to break off when trying to finish them so I removed them and will replace them with metal steps. The major modification came to the slope sheets at the end of the car. I had to remove a good portion to the sheets to get the truck wheels to rotate freely.

Chippewa gets its first locomotive
I have been in modeling for some time but my road never had its own locomotives. Plenty of cars but ran UP locos. Part of this was due to not having a paint scheme I liked.
Since I grew up in Wisconsin I liked both the CNW and SOO. I decided to paint the locos in SOO off white but eliminate the bloody nose. I also decided that the original logo was a bit dated. I ran across the Delmarva Central Carload Express logo and liked it. I made a variation of the logo for the Chippewa.

Relco MOW in HO scale - part 2
In January of this year, I came across an article Running Extra where this train was modeled in N scale using 3D printing. In the article, the author gave the name of the person and the fact that you could purchase these models on Etsy. As I do a lot of 3D printing, I contacted this individual to see if he could provide an HO scale version and if that wasn’t possible, drawings of the cars. It ended up that he could do neither but told me that most of the information came from pictures and videos he got online.

Relco MOW in HO scale
If you remember. I ran across that string of tie cars last February and posted the picture on my blog. After a few conversations with Brett Isaccs who developed the N Scale models I found that these models were developed from pictures and decided to do the same in HO. For those of you that don't get Running Extra, these cars are part of a complete train that picks up old ties while the train is moving The locomotive is a rebuilt SD40-2 done by Relco here in Iowa.

UP Special Movement Arrives at Wyocena
While waiting O material to finish my brewery I though I would try something new. I have never used my 3D printer to produce a railcar. Back in the 80s I worked in Texas at a nuclear power plant that was under construction and WECX 101 brought in the transformer. I got a bunch of pictures and a photocopy of the operators manual.
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