
dwilliam1963's picture

Research into my town, held up by a personal sense of malais( or click bait, pick me!)

Sorry about the lack of posting but have been a bit blue of late....My photos finally made it back from the lab and I must apologize for my ludism, but I'm still using film.   Found a few interesting postcards and I am trying to figure out how to include street running and still include the Erie canal, as the tracks are perpendicular to the canal....I may have to include a peninsula to include the canal.  This mostly going to be a thoughts in progress post, but wanted to share some photos and ideas.

tschwartz's picture

Creating my Mining Scene

I have started to work on my mining scene. Unlike my previous layout which had an open pit, this will have a head frame to hoist massive sulphides. The small ore cares will be loaded there and then taken back to the plant for processing. The design is based on the Chisel Lake Mine head frame in northern Manitoba. 

Pcfan60's picture

Hitop branch

Here are photos of the current state of the layout. Only thing to be added are trees from Scenic Express 

Finishing Maxwell St


So the plan here moving forward is that my home projects will be posted on the Bob Love Youtube site and the construction of the project at the club will be posted on the CarquinezMRR Youtube site.


Goose in The Caboose Productions's picture

Tidewater Point Rail Episode Two

As always, thanks for watching and God bless!!

N&W Pocahontas District: Last Hurrah!

Much as I hate to say this, an unexpected upcoming job change and impending move means I have to dismantle my current N&W Pocahontas layout. This layout had a much shorter life span than I was expecting. I began building it in Nov of 2014 and was hoping it would stay with me well into retirement years, but alas that will not be the case.

Matt Forcum's picture

Layout Update #5 - Buried in Benchwork: Part 1

This month I begin the benchwork on my model railroad. Check out the video below!



(Side note: the camera on my phone is busted and is just not cutting it anymore. I've gotta look into getting something better for future updates I think.)

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