Personal journal (editorial or commentary)
Colorado Front Range Railroad update July 2016 - First JMRI panel
July brings me to the First JMRI control panel so here is the up date. I have a how to do following in a seprate post and video. hope you like the update.
Intro from model railroader UK
I'm new to model railroading and live in the UK. I say new, I've always had a big interest in trains and had oo UK models in my youth. I have started to build some models and see what I can achieve on a small scale. It's the Southern Pacific for me in the fifties. A great period for steam and diesel (as in the UK). Why US? Well it's different to what most modellers do in the UK and a fascination with cab forwards and GS classes and daylights inspired.
CP's Area H Spur: Final Update
Only three posts in and now a "final update?" I'm sure someone is thinking "that didn't take long" and you would be right to accuse me.
Modeller's block
I am experiencing what I'll call Modeller's Block. I have the space and the means to start a layout. I also have several projects on the go. Hoping that writing this will bring some clarity of mind.
One project has me stumped as I can't figure out how to achieve something I need to model. I do have an idea but that means obtaining some material that will be difficult to get where I am. So that project languishes on the workbench.
Your opinion please - "How to" PDFs from condensed postings on MRH
I was thinking (yes, it was painful!) and was wondering if you all would find it helpful to have a condensed version of some of the postings on this site on "How-tos". As an example, if you followed along with Michael Rose on his blog on the progress and you wanted to find how he did a certain structure, scenery area, etc. you might have to look through many pages on his thread that was populated with many comments to distil down the "essence" of the subject.
Is there a way to share / embed a PDF or Excel file in a post?
Is there a way to upload a PDF or Excel file to the MRH servers and then have it accessible in a posting? I don't mean post the file to some other site and then include a link as I know how to do that. Thanks!
MEC & B&M Scenic Build Blog Continued
I will use this new posting for continuing my build thread. The prior start had lots of photos in the main entry before I knew better.
My NMRA Train Show Haul
Here I am near the end and able to show off my haul I came in with $108 and am leaving with zero exact. The first thing I picked up was an older Athearn Special Edition SW1000 and Caboose set for $40 and found a decoder for $15. That is currently with Ken who offered to do a decoder instalation.
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