Personal journal (editorial or commentary)

AJKleipass's picture

Tales From The Paintshop

I have models from Z to G - Z, N, HO, Lionel, and 1:29, to be specific, and one of these little gems is a Lionel ALCO FA from the post-war era. Originally, the FA was painted for Union Pacific, but somewhere in the late 1980s I decided that it would look better in a different scheme. First it got a stylish dark blue and dark grey scheme with silver trim, and then - for reasons I cannot begin to explain - I repainted it gold. Solid gold. Solid metallic gold.

emillerz's picture

SPSF Meadow Sub: Converting From Digitrax to NCE on a Small/Mid-Size HO Layout

Over the past three weeks, I have converted my layout DCC system from Digitrax to NCE.  What follows is my personal experience on the conversion for a small or medium size layout.

rickwade's picture

"Secure Connection Failed" error when using Firefox

When I use Firefox I now get the error below if I'm logged in or not.  I do NOT get the error using Chrome.  Anybody else getting this error?

mikedeverell's picture

Colorado Front Ranage Sept 2016 Update - Taking the mystery out of the magic of JMRI

Finally got some time to to get a video together more JMRI and electrical, both panels are built and turnout controls are done. Hope you enjoy. Pre view to scenery.

Mike Deverell

Colorado Front Range

rickwade's picture

A room with a view - feeling thankful!

I just got finished doing a customer demo from my office / railroad room and all the sudden was feeling thankful!

This is sort of what my "office" used to look like when I was a "cube dweller" before I transferred to the remote team:


YUCK!  I remember those days well and don't miss them at all!

Here's the view from in my office now:

edfhinton's picture

Layout Renamed - Northern New England Scenic Model Railroad

I have recently put together a website to more fully document my layout.  In conjunction with doing so, I have renamed the former "MEC and B&M Scenic Railroad" to now be called the "Northern New England Scenic Model Railroad".  I may refer to it as the NNES at times for brevity but that is not intended to be interpreted as a planned road marking.  The layout still features Maine Central and B&M roads at this time.

Middle school model RR: Turning the train at Wylam

The school year began last Tuesday, and I welcomed back last year’s seventh graders, now railroad veterans in eighth, along with the crop of new seventh graders. The sectional railroad is still in summer storage but I have the Inglenook set up in a corner of the room, available as a teaching aid for learning the basics.

nbrodar's picture

Modeling Speed?

How fast do you model?  How consistently do you work on your layout?

I look at the progress modelers like Michael Rose makes with amazement. He accomplishes more in a day then I do in a month!

BNML2's picture

It's time to start doing!

It's been about 8 years since I had to dismantle my last layout, a casualty of getting married and combining two households into one. While that layout had its own room, it never got past the plywood prairie stage.  It also grew organically - a product of "how many industries can I fit into this space?"  Not surprisingly, it didn't get run very often. There was no staging so the layout was always full, making an attempt at an operating session more tedious than enjoyable.

wp8thsub's picture

Raft River - A Town on the 8th Sub

The Raft River branch departs from the 8th Subdivision main at Cedar.  It descends via a helix to Cedar Creek canyon, then disappears again under part of Milton to finally emerge as a narrow scene on a lower deck where the town proper is located.  Previous blog entries describe other locales on the layout, so I'll limit the discussion here to the bottom deck portion of the branch.

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