Personal journal (editorial or commentary)
A good friend visits the Richlawn Railroad
No, it wasn't Michael Rose! Mr. Howard Yawn and his wife Linda visited us today as they were in the area delivering a custom built model railroad to a customer in Ocala. Howard is the owner of LBH Custom Model Railroads and very early on did the redesign of the H.O.G (Heart of Georgia) layout designed by Scott Perry. Howard did a great job of resizing / right sizing the plan for my layout room.
The backdrop has finally been desided and painted
So you think you can't paint a backdrop it took me 8 tries and lots of YouTube videos to learn the techniques to paint what I needed. Also lots of photos of the Colorado Front Range, I got to spent a lot of time there in the last few months. But here you go a few pictures of my efforts. This is over 12 feet long only 278 more feet to go but I got this done in 2 day at very relaxed pace not much more then 6 hours of work the rest was drying time. 7 photos and a sample of the fore ground work to follow soon.
This takes the cake!
Or should I say that I took the cake - Michael's Rose's wife's delicious apple cake that I had yesterday during a visit. Michael and I were so involved with model railroading that the time flew by and my return train (Sunrail) was waiting when he dropped me off at the station! Sorry, I only took one picture; however, I can say that Michael's structures (and layout) look even better in person!
Looking at Things From a Different Angle
Here is just another way of looking at my modelling....
Gwent Steel HO - a first American layout for a UK modeller
I thought it appropriate to introduce myself and my background first.
I've been a modeller for over 50 years (starting off with Hornby O gauge tinplate) and must have built more than 15 layouts, all UK Great Western Railway or British Rail Western Region and mostly UK OO gauge.
CY&PRR - A First Look At West Linncott
Thanks to a really crappy Spring this year, I have been allowed more time indoors and have applied it toward my rebuild/new direction project first mentioned here:
A Chance To Salvage A Layout.......
I recently received an email pasted below (names and phone numbers removed) giving me a chance to if i help dismantle a layout get any parts of it I want, i have yet to receive pictures but as soon as i do will post them here. So the big question is should i take it?
Here is the email:
Hummm I wonder why I like Hobby Lobby - and Jo Anns Fabrics?
Messing around today at Hobby Lobby and picked up some oven bake clay for tree trunks. I wonder why I like this store so much? (grin)
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