Personal journal (editorial or commentary)

tschwartz's picture

Old New Project

It has been quite some time since I last posted to my blog. I have not been up to much over the winter , certainly nothing I thought was worth sharing. Most of the models I have built are based on that which is near to where I live. So it is HBM&S or HBRY mostly. While some choose to build specific places and time, I just like to build what interests me. 

rickwade's picture

The importance of "negative space" in model railroading.


Artists often refer to "negative space" in artworks; that is areas of nothing.  Graphic artists refer to "white space" for printed items where nothing is printed.  The purpose of negative space / white space is to set off areas where there is "something".  Too much "something" can create a type of visual chaos that is not pleasing.

My 2 rail HiRail O scale adventure begins

A little history:

I've been a model railroader for most of my 42 years. My first train set was a Lionel 3 rail set when I was 4 yrs. old. Shortly after that my uncle gave me his HO trains. My father and I built both O and HO layouts when I was young. I've been struggling with the pull between Toy and scale trains ever since :).

Where are all the Nickel Plate fans?

I know the stuff made for NKP flies off the shelves. I'm just wondering where all the NKP modelers are on these forums and facebook. I realize the NKP merged into the Norfolk & Western in 1964, but it just seems there are not very many NKP fans online. I sure would like to share my love for the Nickel Plate with fellow modelers, but it seems they are few and far between. I turned 13 years old 2 days after the merger, but it was the line I grew up with. My dad was a NKP fan, and my grandfather was a NKP Cop.

Ivan I's picture

Pacific Harbor Lines Shelf Layout Build

It goes like this: I want a model railroad. I'm going to build one. 

mikedeverell's picture

Colorado Front Range ---First Hill

I am re-posting this as the link was broken sorry about that. My son build a foam cutter that we use to build a hatch over the staging yard ladder using pink foam and plaster cloth. I do not dip the cloth as that is messy. I work with the cloth dry and use water and a paintbrush. I buy the cloth in bulk of 64 rolls and it works out to less the $2.00 per roll 4 inch wide by 180 inches ( )

hope this is helpfuly to you



mikedeverell's picture

Colorado Front Range March 2016 update --- First Hill

First Scenery has started A removable hill that is over the Staging Yard ladder.


[ video embedding corrected - Bill ]

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