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As promised I am including some pics showing the evolution of my railroad over the last 3+ years. As stated previously, this is really two layouts in one with a DC elec loco layout and a DCC steam and diesel layout.
Alpine Railroad in NJ
I have been building an Alpine scene railroad in DCC and DC over the last few years in Z scale and have been inspired by other great blogs to start my own and record my progress/trials/tribulatons. I have learned so much from other member's comments in other blogs and I am hoping my story will help others and I may be lcky enough to have some of my questions answered my my hurtles overcome.
New space - time for dream and design
I finally sold the townhouse with it's 10x18' basement layout space and with correspondingly longer commute recently moved into a home with a decent sized basement. Here are photo's of the space. I haven't had time to sit down yet and sketch the dimensions on a 11x17' sheet of graph paper to scale, what with all the unpacking and projects to do (new applicances, Radon system, new hot water heater, new counter tops and sink etc.). The Radon mitigation system has already been installed last Monday.
The New CB&Q in Wyoming
I have spent the past several months while awaiting retirement (end of March next year) planning my new layout.
After running through configuration after configuration, I think I finally have it down. It combines a walk-around plan with a partial mushroom.
Pretty much all aspects of the design are still open to adjustment, and if anyone has any ideas - any at all, be they off-the-wall, tried-and-true, pure conjecture or anything else, I'd like to hear them. I'm always open to improvements!
West Haven Industrial Rwy. : Re-envisioned
I had posted and it was discussed a track plan for the West Haven that would include an around the walls concept not unlike the Heart of Georgia layout that was inspired by one of Trevor Marshall's achievable layouts he describes on his blog. As the planning progressed, I massaged it into something I didn't want to build. It lacked the portability I wanted and exceeded my thoughts of simplicity.
SPEV Layout Designing
One of my other hobbies is Model Rocketry, and sometimes people design a rocket out of spare parts:
SPEV stands for Spare Parts Elimination Vehicle. I've built a few rockets out of odds and ends--leftover balsa, tubes, nosecones-- and it can be fun coming up with something out of what's at hand:
The Bridge to Nowhere
The only part of my Flin Flon layout I kept was the big bridge scene. I had built it to be moved and I am happy to say it survived the 1400km journey.
This weekend I built a stand for it and got it out of its shipping crate I made. I was very pleased to see it was all intact. I had taken off a lot of small details before the move so once I figure out which box I put them in I can add them back to the scene.
Kettle Falls Branch (GNKFB)
This blog my attempt to chronicle the building of my version of the Great Northern Kettle Falls Branch (GNKFB).
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