MRH Troubleshooting

pandwvrr's picture

Bachmann gp 35 engine truck problems

I bought 2 Bachmann GP 35 engines, One runs fine the other one jumps the track. The gage looks to be out a little. Does any one know how to take it apart to get to the truck wheels.I only bought them for the WM .This will be the last.

Thanks in advance,


ybandell's picture

Linking directly to specific posts within a blog/topic?

Hi, does anyone knows if it is possible to directly link to an individual post within a topic or blog? I thought that in the past I had simply grabbed the link of the subject line of a specific post within a topic or a blog. Clicking the link would then load the page and set the browser directly on that specific post. If I do this now I simply go to the first page of the topic or blog the post was made in. This makes it a lot more difficult to direct people to a specific post in a long blog.

Am I doing something wrong or was this never a feature of the forum?


SPAM removal still not working

It appears that the 'mark as not spam> problem is still there.

LKandO's picture

Unusal Google Chrome browser action appeared this morning

An odd occurrence began this morning. It is isolated to Google Chrome and MRH. All other sites working normally, all other browsers working normally. Confirmed same result on wife's computer.

Occurs when any post is opened from the Recent Posts page from the New Replies link. Occurs after the topic page loads but before the page automatically scrolls to the new reply. All other MRH site pages working normally. Perhaps unrelated, yesterday was run of Windows update Tuesday. Win 7-64, Chrome 39.

Automobile Traffic Lights Animation with the Arduino Pro Mini…..MIA

My Blog, “Automobile Traffic Lights Animation with the Arduino Pro Mini”, posted on Christmas Day, 2014, is not longer available on the Recent Posts Index.

The only way I can access it is to click on that node and then log in.  If I log in first and then click on the node it’s as if I never made any Blog or any comment at anytime.  Hands out, palms up, weird look on my face.  It’s not set to private – I just checked.

Allagash DVDs online download

Does anyone know why the Allagash Op session downloads don't work on iPad??

i tried downloading it to my iPad, and when I tried to open it, it wouldn't open.   Now I am locked out of the first chapter, due to download attempts, yet when I try the same for the second chapter I get the same thing.  

Very frustrating that the email and link you get with your purchase is so vague as to instructions and compatibility.....

Jason Klocke

Humboldt, Ia

_site_admin's picture

Server outage

Our hosting provider had some network issues so our site was down for a couple hours, but it's back now.

Thanks for your patience.

Why does this site insist on logging me off halfway through the day? - every day!

Why? Why?? oh, Why???

None of the other forums I belong to does!

MikeM's picture

Nothing like getting logged off just as you try to post...

This is more than a bit frustrating when a lot of research has gone into assembling a post...angry

DCC problem

Problem: Our club operates a NCE DCC system both tethered and radio. On operating days there are between 8 to 14 members operating. Our system has one command unit with four boosters [slaves] At times when we operate trains the system will freeze. We then have to shut down the DCC system and re boot the system. This is very annoying.

Does any one know what is causing this problem and what can we do to fix it.


Regards Bob Clelland

[can reply direct to]

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