MRH Troubleshooting

highway70's picture

Photos missing from topics

Many of the photos are missing from  various Topics. 

No photos showing in "The Central California Traction Company in S Scale" 

Only the track plan in the original post and one photo in "DOMTAR Pulp and Paper Mill - Bench Work"

IE shows O at picture locations.  Chrome just doesn't show the missing photos. 

Probably depends on how photo posted.

Cleaning track is removing my concrete/road paint... Help!

So here is a photo of my area with the stryene down, to be painted as concrete. I was testing some different paints and discovered I cannot clean the track in this large area of sunken track without my alcohol moist paper towel rubbing my painted styrene... removing it, no matter how carful I am. What can I use to matte clear coat my cement paint to protect it from 91% isopropyl alcohol or is there a paint that 91% isopropyl alcohol does not remove or effect? Thanks for anything- 

I updated software on my new iPad to 11.0.1 and 11.0.2, sorry I did that!

Any help will be appreciated.  The problem is above when I request "Recent posts" etc.  I eat figs not cookies.!?!???

(Can't and didn't update the old iPad 2 so at least I can send out a help signal!!!)



Problem with "Yes, it's a model" segment in Sept 2017 issue?

Am I misunderstanding something? I clicked on Don Hanley's "Yes, it's a model" feature in the Sept 2017 MRH online issue table of contents and was directed to page 3 of the One Module Challenge, Honorable Mention article by Dennis Snyder.

Jim at BSME's picture

Model Railroad Forums security error message

When I try to go to this particular link: Building a Helix with PVC pipe, I am getting a security error message from google/chrome that: 

An easier way to post pictures via mobile device?

Haven't seen this issue raised, but thought I'd ask any way. Is there a easy way to post your pics by the way of a moble device shuch as a cell phone or a tablet? I have a Galaxy G3 smart phone and a Ipod Touch, but no PC yet. Just wondering. Thanks for any help.

Eric Graham
Lafayette, Indiana

Whats-Neat Download Issue

When i try to download a What-Neat zip file (from Feb 2017 onward) The downloader starts, but nothing ever downloads. I am logged on  and can start the download, but nothing happens. Is there a server issue at your end or should I try and download with somethnig other that Google?



July 2017 What's Neat video link wrong

July 2017 What's Neat video download is incorrectly linked to

but should be

(the month in the first subfolder is incorrect: "06-jun" -> "07-jul")

MikeM's picture

MRH connection not secure according to Firefox, Chrome

Both Firefox (version 53) and Chrome are complaining about the MRH website connection not being secure.  Tried using https: with FF and got nowhere.

railandsail's picture

How to use your forums?

I'm fairly new to posting on your forum site, and I am trying to learn how to use it, as it appears quite different from a number of other boating forums I have participated in over the past 10+ years.

1) When I make a posting to a particular subject thread, how do I "quote" the posting, or a portion of that other posting, in my posting, someone knows what particular passage/message I am responding to??

2) I can't seem to be able to utile the old mouse click functions of "copy then paste' ?

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