MRH Troubleshooting

lloydthomson's picture

Links to Sound Files in MRH Issue #8 Not Working

Good day,

I realize issue MRH #8 is over ten years old as well as the importance of conserving server space for current features.  However, is there a possibility *.php files included in M. R. Snell's article "Using Sound to Enhance Your Railroad" be resurrected in some fashion?  When I click on the links from either the pdf file from my archive of MRH e-zines or the online Issuu version, I'm presented with error messages.  

Stopped getting emails

I seemed to have stopped getting emails from MRH about July.  Did something happen then?  Do I need to update something?


September MRH Extra needs password

Hi, my September Extra Wide does not open, needs a password. Never had this before. Please advise, thank you,



bobmorning's picture

Sidebooks on a Fire Tablet - anyone tried this?

First off I recognize that I'm using my Fire in a way that Amazon doesn't support.   I have a 7th gen Fire tablet that I have modified to run the Google Play Store.   Doing this gets you to many more apps than Amazon allows on their app store.

eastwind's picture

Problem updating avatar image

My old avatar image is an eye. Just the eye. I have a new one of an eye peering through a boxcar. It's 85x85 pixels, exactly, in jpg format, 12k on disk, less than 10k data.

I click on My Account, then the Edit tab. I check 'delete current image', type my password, click the 'save' button at the bottom, and the eye image goes away.

Adaptive edition of this month's MRH and Running Extra display different when both are double clicked and open in Acrobat

MRH, which I downloaded as the preview edition, opens at a size of 95.9% and displays ONLY two pages at a time.  When I open the latest download of RE, it also displays at 95.9% but displays the two pages AND part of the third page.  If I stay at 95.9% size in the RE edition, when I roll my scroll button, which allows me to correctly display the next two pages of the free MRH, doing the same in RE yields me missing the other half of the third page.  I have to go past and do two clicks of the thumbwheel, and then GO BACK one to display the whole TOC. 

OKGraeme's picture

IPad Problem **solved**

I use my old iPad 3 for reading the MRH Forums when away from my computer but recently when I try to post it comes Union Pacific with the message "Browser Local Storage is full, clear your storage or increase database size". It only does this when using the MRH Forums when writing a post. 


I have done done all the obvious things like clearing the Safari History etc. but to no avail!


DRGW_488_Fan's picture

Is it possible to change blogs into topics? And if not, is there anyone who can help?

For the past several weeks I have been posting entries to the "please show us" series each Sunday...

ybandell's picture

Image 404 not found issues on MRH?

Is anyone else having issues not seeing some of the images on the website? Normally I don't have this issue but in the past 10 minutes I read some newer topics and random images from random people won't display in their posts and give a "404 not found"-page when right click-ed and 'view image'. Other images in those thread are appearing just fine. The missing images are all coming from MRH an MRH URL, so they are not outside hosted images from Flickr etc.

Old Videos, again

I've been an XTrackCad user for a long time, I'm proficient enough, and like it.  But I see the renderings created with 3rdPlanit, and I get jealous!  So, I was looking for good tutorials, and came across the series in the very early (like, first) MHR editions.  I am liking them, but the author used embedded videos without duplicating the info in the article, and videos are, or course, not viewable in Acrobat Reader.  Is there a place to find them?


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