MRH Troubleshooting

Local Storage

Ok when ever I try to respond to a post or start a new one I get the msg in a red box that says”Browser loacalStorage is full clear you storage or increase database size.

I am using an IPad with the most up to date software and using the standard Apple Sufari Browser.

I don’t get this msg on any other forum or website or what have you.

Web browsers now have ad blocking built-in

One of the web browsers I use constantly, Opera (, now had ad blocking / tracker blocking built in, and only needs it to be turned on to hit all sites by default (minus the big hitters like Google, Bing and Facebook, of course).  The downside, is that even with these turned off by site exception, the ads here on MRH show as broken links.  To show support for this fine website:

Click on the 'shield' icon on the right side of the address bar, then the 'gear' at the upper right corner:

Can't Upload Pics From My Computer?

I've uploaded pics off my computer here at MRH for years without issue.

However, as it is now, once I've selected my photo from my computer via the browse screen, when I click the "Send To Server" button, I get "404 File Not Found" and the process fails.

Any ideas?


DougL's picture

test link to google photos video

MRH webmaster can delete this, no problem by me.  Just need a test area to try embedding Google Photos and video
Marc's picture

How to include in a post some PDF pictures or plan which are included in this PDF document

Sure I'm not a wizard about the use of of sophisticated insertion of text or other stuff I wish to share with You.

I have severals PDF documents which contains plan of some stuff and details construction I wish to share.

I can't include them in my post; even the non PDF document can't be paste and share in the post like a simple picture.

I use Open office as my basic "words" generator including it for some schematic.

In the border Window tool above there are three documents option; I have use them. 

November What’s Neat

I have tried downloading the November What’s Neat on several computers but they will not unzip. Message is file is not a valid format.

November RE NOT at website for download ...

November RE not download website ... last one is October ...

MRH: New email sent with new subscription link.

Mustang 61's picture

NCE system is acting strange

Hi everyone,

         I have an NCE system that is acting strange. When I plug in the power, without the track connector plugged in, the red light on the power panel is lit. When I plug in the track connector the red light goes out, that means no power the the track. Do I have a track wiring issue or something else??

Thanks! Scott

MRH: We updated your thread title to something more specific about you having a problem in order to increase your chances of getting a response.

redP's picture

Auto save ***new and improved***

Whenever I make a post z box pops up that says I have auto saved content and it double posts. Whats up with that?


We have installed a new-and-improved auto save that works differently now. To jump directly to the explanation of what's different, go to this link:

How Zoom In & Out of MRH Mag.

I discovered that if I click on a page in the MRH magazine, I get zoomed in so that I can see more detail on the pictures.  However, then I can only see the center of the page.  I tried the two-finger scroll technique, to see the enlarged upper and lower parts of the pages, but all that happened was the center got even larger (or smaller if I dragged 2 fingers upwards).  There are no scroll bars on the magazine pages.

How can I scroll around enlarged pages?

If it matters, I am using Firefox on a Mac.

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