MRH Troubleshooting

Can't Open Up Current Issue

I am unable to open up the recent issue of MRH. None of the commands work so all I get to see is the cover of the mag. HELP!! What am I missing?

Photos AWOL again - FIXED

Many photos are gone again on my IPad. Not only recent photos but many old photos that I know were properly sized have disappeared.

Photos not showing up

Don't know if It is a problem on my end but many photos that were displaying properly on my IPad yesterday are now missing. An example is the first photo in the current WPF. Many photos from regular contributors are now blank even some "sign off" graphics (like Gary Christensen's weathering shop graphic) are missing. 

 IPad Air 8.4 IOS on Safari

problem loading small picture and signature

I have been trying without any luck to add a photo of me and a signature to my posts. I have followed all tips offered by other members but I still can't get it to work even though that once I chose my picture and what I want for my signature I see a message that signature will now appear at bottom of my posts and there is also an indication as to the size of my photo. Once I did all this I clicked save but nothing.

Either the server doesn't like my signature and photo or I'm doing something wrong. Any suggestions?

Can't play embedded videos on iPad

I am using an iPad 2 the os version is 8.3

When I click on a video link the video will not play.

I downloaded the embedded landscape version.

I am using iBooks and have seen the comments about iBooks my question is there a setting I need to change?


Download to iBooks on iPad

Something changed this month. While I am able to download the April 2015 landscape PDF it won't open in iBooks.

Here are my specs:

- iPad version 1

- 16 gig

- OS 5.01

I don't have Internet at home so it is important I be able to read MRH offline.

Thanks, in advance, for your help.

dave1905's picture

Photos disappearing

 In the Dream and Design Forum, I created a message on Alternate Connection designs, uploaded pictures to MRH and linked them into the message.  Now they aren't showing, although when I edit it it shows they are there.


Clicking On Ads No Longer Works

I can no longer click on ads in the magazine without getting a popup blocked. I have never had this problem before, and turning off popup blocker is not very easy on my system and certainly not convenient just for this web site. Does anyone know what has happened?

MRH app - videos not working

I tried the new MRH app on my Andoid tablet last night and it does look very smart; but the videos aren't running, I just get a black box. Odd, as YouTube itself runs fine.

Any ideas? TIA


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