MRH Troubleshooting

railandsail's picture

BullFrog Snot and Graphite Treated Rails

I recall several folks that commented on how BulFrog Snot tended to pick-up debris from their layout. It got me to thinking of what sort of detrimental action this product would have on our graphite treated rails??



BN Allyville Industrial's picture

Spell Check

I would like to make a request. Could you add "Spell Check" to your text editor. It is nice that the editor "Flags" misspellings but it does not provide any suggestions or solutions.

Thank you,

Intermountain not responding

Hi all, I am somewhat new to this hobby and yesterday I was programming my intermountain dcc loco and just completely out of the blue it has bricked itself and is not having any power or sound emitted. The track is getting power and running fine as all my athearns are responding and running fine. I believe it something to do with the pickups or internal wiring somewhere which is a shame that a brand new out the box model is already broken in some way. If anyone else has any other ideas please reach of to me with them

Please Help, Identifying and resetting a decoder that is acting funny?

So, I have an Atlas U23b with an unknown decoder in it.
I tried to set CV 8 to 8, had no effect, except when I read CV 8 it is now 8, or whatever value I last entered, Also tried all the other reset procedures could find, none worked.
Other funny things:
The headlight and mute are mapped together, so turning on the headlight also mutes or unmutes the sound.
When setting the speed to 0 from a slow speed, the locomotive continues to move, independently of the momentum setting, as if it is on speed step 1.

Savvy Modeler Video link doesn't work from within Acrobat Reader

Hi, I just attempted to view the Savvy Modeler video titled "Why the Hobby Isn't Dying" while reading the March 2021 Running Extra in Acrobat Reader, but when I click the view arrow, all it does is display a tiny wristwatch icon for ~20 seconds - and nothing after that.  The problem can't possibly be my Youtube account, since I have an active Youtube Premium subscription.  Is there some other way to view this video other than from within Acrobat?



Multiple MRH RE notices

On February 19 I received two notices that Feb 2021 MRH-RE is available.  This dual notification has been happening for months.  Doesn't bother me that much so I haven't reported it.

On February 22 I received two notices that Feb 2021 MRH-RE is available identical to the Feb. 19 notices.

What I want to know, are the downloaded files different?

How many magazines per month?

So I am a fairly new subscriber to MRH and get the monthly magazine - starting on 15th of the month now - but it seems I get it 2 or even 3 times per month. 

Is it my subscription or am I multi subscribed or is it addendum issues that to me all have the same content?


Just wondering.

January 2021 Running Extra Adaptive Format Issue

I have received my notice for the January 2021 Running Extra issue, but the only link is for the Wide version. Has the adaptive format been dropped?



fernpoint's picture

MRH Magazine Flash Player Support

Recently I (for no particular reason) took the opportunity to promote my old "Imagineering" Column articles.

I see that Adobe Flash Player reaches end of life on 31st December 2020.

What will this mean for access to back issues of MRH?


Page breaks in SideBooks

Is there any way to move page breaks on SideBooks?  I always see the magazine with page breaks running down the middle of track plans and pictures. I have to turn the page to see the other half. Turning the iPad from portrait to landscape doesn’t help...I see two pages with half a graphic on each and have to scroll to the next or previous page to see the other half. The plans in Yaron Bandell’s article this month were unintelligible. 


Richard Stern

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