MRH Troubleshooting

Cannot download issues past December 2018 on MRH iPad app

I’ve been reading MRH on my iPad using the MRH app from the app store (V. 5.2). I am just about current and realized that the app will not download any issues newer than December 2018. Dragging down to refresh the page does not work. Shut down and restarted app does not work. Are there any known issues currently with the iPad app?

bobmorning's picture

Cannot download Running Extra March Edition


I have my link I have used for the last few months to download running extra.


I am downloading to a Kindle Fire in Portrait mode.  The download starts and finishes but I am not left with a readable pdf.    I am attempting to download 000.Mar 2019 Running Extra - Portrait  from the<large string of numbers>

In the file explorer utility in the downloads folder I am left with two files after the download ends:

Copying one page of running

I subscribe to running extra.  I want to download just one article.  Is that possible?

Even when I download the whole issue and try to select and copy one page I can't do it?  Is there some sort of editing control that prevents this?

Newsletter options?

Is it possible to receive the MRH email newsletters, without also receiving the TrainMastersTV items? I appreciate the MRH ones, but the TMTV items are of no interest to me.

If it's an "all or nothing" thing - which it currently seems to be - then I'll reluctantly go with "nothing".



elctrical puzzle

Is anybody up for an electrical puzzle? 'm prepping our basement for a train layout and decided I need three 110v outlets along one wall. There were already two there but the wiring looked a little unsafe with a splice left out in the open. I enclosed the spice in a box and ran a drop down to the first duplex outlet. I then ran Romex to a box to the left and another to the right. All three outlets have the bare (ground) wire going to the Green screw, the black wires go the the brass screw and the white goes to the "silver" screw.

Older MRH video clips

Are the older MRH video clips still available to view somewhere?

Subscribe Checkbox NOT Staying checked

Hi there,

I am having an issue where the subscribe checkbox for emails and magazine subscriptions doesnt stay checked.

I can click the box so the little tick appears and click "save". The box then unchecks itself and I no longer receive emails. This has been goin on for a while now, so I just manuall download the magazines every few months. Can this be fixed so I get notifications like the old days?

Thanks, Andy

bobmorning's picture

Cannot access the new premium magazine

Subscribed to your new magazine, but cannot access it.   Paid via PayPal. 

railandsail's picture

Avatar posting

I changed my avatar yesterday, and everything finally went thru OK.

Today I find it has reverted back to the older one?

And when i tried to reload the new one it did not work??

railandsail's picture

Icons at Bottom of Page & Delete a Message

Please tell me again WHAT those various icons and dots are at the bottom right hand side of the posting page?

When I pass the curser over them I was hoping they would tell me, but it dose not seem to work (anymore?) ?

And how do you delete a duplicate posting you've made by accident? Should be a simple process, but I did not find it to be so recently.

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