MRH Troubleshooting

MRRSparky's picture

Reading MRH on Kindle Ereader?

Is there a way to download and read MRH on the basic Kindle Ereader?  I know it would be in black and white.


Scott Groff

Website has redirected you to many times

So, I just got a new Samsung tablet for "free" with new phone from verizon. Trying to browse to MRH via Chrome and it times out indicating that it got redirected too many times. 

arbe's picture

Logging off

Has anybody found themselves being logged off at odd times?  This hasn't been happening at all for a long time.  There was a problem I believe quite some time ago that was resolved.  A couple times now recently I've been on the forum and all of a sudden I'm not logged in!  Most recently I was working on a web post and was out in the middle of working on it.  I'm using Firefox v 52.0.1.  Any ideas out there? Is it something I am doing?   It is annoying.


Bob Bochenek


espeelark's picture

Ability to view latest Blog/Topic post first?

When I click on a popular Blog or Topic that has multiple pages, is there any way to set a default such that the most recent posts are brought up first? As it is, when i click on the link I am taken to the original/first page and then have to scroll to the bottom to get to the listing of pages and/or "last" option.

Anyway to set it to see the last in first?


Ace's picture

"An auto saved version ... would you like to compare content ..." HUH?

Apparently the auto-save function is intended to save your material if a long post is interrupted before it is completed. But I don't understand why this message comes up spontaneously some time after I've already made a post, and all I'll doing is looking at the thread again.

MikeM's picture

Your connection is not secure?

Got this message trying to go to this link (doing research on switch machines):

Moe line's picture

PDF files to MRH pages

I am seeking some advice on how to attach a PDF file to this web page, I just tried to attach a PDF file to another member's topic to provide some requested information and wasn't able to do so within the complicated system that is required to post any attachments beyond photos to this page. I don't use Microsoft Word because it's too expensive and difficult for someone like me that is not into technology. Jim

dave1905's picture

Span text inserted

I often have issues with a block of text randomly inserted into my forum replies, it will appear in the middle of a word:

"<span class="rangySelectionBoundary" id="selectionBoundary_1473637423039_44667019891869103" style="line-height: 0; display: none;">"

photo test / help please


When I try to post pictures I get a small screen that pops up saying the files can not be accessed becasue of my browser security. I am using photobucket with the "direct" link.   I have no idea how to change whateve it may be referring to.  Any suggestions would be great. Thank you.



joef's picture

STUART PREEDY - your emails are bouncing

STUART PREEDY - your emails are bouncing and we have no other way to reach you.

Please use the contact form to send us a phone number if you want a response.

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