Locos and rolling stock

Modeling UP SD7's

Here's some of my latest models. UP #455 & 776 SD7's, custom weathering and details

open gears

Are there any manufacturers that build N guage engines without open gearing in the bottom of the trucks?

Problem with New Rs3 sound

hello everyone, i wanted to see if anyone out there got the New atlas RS3 i picked one up and as i move the engine it sounds like a plane taking off wanted to see if anyone had the same problem the Loksound guide  are not really helping me out.

Barnz's picture

DCC Sound for Steam & Chuff Cams

Hi all,

I just purchased my first DCC mobile sound decoder - a Digitrax SDH166D.

I have an older Proto2000 USRA 0-6-0 switcher (DCC ready - with a Digitrax DH165LO that I installed) that I use regularly and wanted it to be my first sound enabled loco.

Reading over the installation instructions I noted that I could directly sync the chuff sound by connecting the white chuff wire to a chuff cam. After some Google research I see that there are a number of options - none of which look too easy to install.

Interchangability over time...back up, couple and go question

I know that railroad equipment has changed over the years, but some standards such as air lines and couplers, have changed but slowly.  How far back in time from today were the couplers and air lines (don't worry about other things...) interchangeable so that you could back up a stock locomotive from say, 1900 or earlier, to a modern freight car, hook up the brake lines and couplers, and go?

Hopper Manufacturer ID?

I need help identifying some rolling stock I picked up at a train show.  The back story was the previous owner would take the kits (vendor I.D.'d as Athearn) out of their box, assemble them with new Kadee couplers, put them back in the box and put them on a self.  The problem is the couplers are not correct and causing issues.  I checked with the Kadee conversion chart to see if Athearn hoppers required something different than the boxcars I got, but didn't get any good info.  Before I get too crazy, I thought I'd throw this out there.

rickwade's picture

Happy (early) Father's Day to me!

An un-named fellow out our model railroad club has been bugging me to purchase the new Athearn Genesis GP38-2 that was recently released for the good old Louisville & Nashville (among others).  I've been resisting the best that I can, but then Father's Day is just around the corner.........................

Well, you know what happened...."resistance is futile".  Here's a shaky iPone(tm) video of the loco running around the club layout:

Bill Brillinger's picture

RailPro users - How do you think Notching should work?

I've been playing around with my RailPro and although I had some problems getting Manual Notching to work properly, I now have it working.

In my mind, I'd like Notching to work differently.

...so I am posting this to get other users feedback and hopefully have something useful to present to Ring Engineering as a possible feature enhancement.

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