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Monster Modelworks?
Has anyone heard any news regarding Monster Modelworks return?
NWSL closing Aug 2019
Hadn't seen anything here yet, please forgive me if there ends up a double post.
North West Short Line (NWSL) announced on Facebook a couple of hours ago that they will be shutting down as of August 30 this year. The following is the text of the post:
Altoona hobby shops
Hi, All
I am planning a trip to Altoona Pa. soon. Which hobby shop is worth a look while I am there?
I appreciate it. MARK
Changing Major Directions from my Current Layout to a New One
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I started a blog in 2017 to document the creation of my Z scale Alpine layout (all Marklin locos and rolling stock with mixed products for just about everything else). You can see my posts at the end of this page.
I went with Z scale because I wanted to make the most of a layout in a limited space and I had bought some Marklin Z rolling stock, locos and track many years ago for "the day" I would start a layout.
2018 STL RPM Meet
Iowa Scaled Engineering will be attending the St.
Just announced: Atlas acquires WKW/Life-Like N scale product lines
Just hit my Facebook news feed a few minutes ago
Mike in CO

Custom Laser Cut Work Hinsdale Central High School
Starting soon Hinsdale Central High School engineering club will be doing custom laser cut work to help support the Engineering Club. We have a maximum cut size of 12"x24" and cost is based on material and cut time (more rastering takes longer). I personally have experience designing a variety of railroad signs and structures and there are also plenty of other amazing designers that are part of the club. We are finalizing how this is going to work out now but will still start taking orders now.
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I am asking the MHR community for some help in solving a problem I created with my choice of layout scenery. My layout was originally conceptualized 25 yrs ago as a much smaller layout with no intention of adding a backdrop or anything like that. I started this current version with the old idea then expanded it because I had the room to do so. Although I do plan on adding a backdrop at some point, I didn't take this into consideration when I stuck with the basics of how I originally thought the scenery would look.
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When I last posted I had just completed adding rocks to the newest section of my layout. I flew to CA for vacation on 12/27 and am still here now in LA on business until Feb. Of course that means I don't get to work on the layout but before I left I took a few more photos to share after I had colored all the remaining white plaster with Woodland Scenics earth pigment. It really makes a huge difference. Even without grass or trees the layout starts to look more realistic.
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