
jTrackin's picture

Virginia Creeper - Cookie Cutting

I'm was playing around with the best option for sub roadbed and decided on 18mm finished ply for strength but tough to work with I found. Then I was looking at how to cut it to get the most accurate shape needed for my layout as it  is very curvy. So I have decided on the cookie cutter approach it is easy to get out of a sheet and is most cost effective. I was interested in the spline suggestion but one needs to get the correct wood for a small area as mine 12'x14' room.

Jamie@M160's picture

Cajon Pass Part 2 - Backdrop and Roadbed

Wrapping up the backdrops and moving on to roadbed installation...


Martin t's picture

Follow me on my tour around the miniature of VENICE

This week I visited the amazing model of Italian city on water VENICE on Miniature Wunderland in Germany.
Enjoy the tour! Link to the video is found below..


rail joiner misalignment

I've been having a problem with ME insulated rail joiners (code 55).  They are misaligned vertically - one side is about .015 above the other.  I've been having to file one of the tracks to get a smooth joint.  It looks like the dies used to make the joiners are not properly aligned when they are brought together during the molding process.  Has anyone had a similar problem?

jmt99atsf's picture

Part 3 - Test Fitting the Completed Base Structure & Roofs at Union Station

Brand New

Brand new to model railroading. Recently retired from federal government and am excited about this new hobby. Any and all advice is welcomed.

Another 1930's 10' x 20' Loggin Short Line Pan

Some may have noticed i have posted a few various track plans over the last 6 months attempting to fill my 10' x 20' room. My original plan was to tackle the Northern Pacific Yacolt Branch. After many different plans and attempts I decided to scrap it, I just couldn't make it fit the space without 3 decks and a peninsula.

(I will continue on the next post)



DOES ANYONE MAKE trolley- traction- interurban- sound decoders ?

Hi MRH friends I am thinking of adding a section to my future model RR devoted to traction and possibly the Montreal And Southern Counties (M&SC) or The Quebec Railway Light & Power (QRL&P) and I am wondering if anyone knows of a manufacturer of decoders having sound/motor decoders or if anyone makes sound files available for trams. Are there any modelers who are modeling one of the above mentioned traction lines or any other for that matter. Thanks for any help my friends. From Emile up here in Quebec Canada.

Tim Latham's picture

Mississippi Central Railroad

Everyone’s doing it so I will give it a try to!

This blog or series of blogs as it may be, will be about my proto-freelance modeling of the Mississippi Central Railroad.

The first Mississippi Central was an antebellum line that ran North and South from Canton Miss to Grand Junction Tenn. passing through the towns of Grenada, Water Valley, Oxford and Holly Springs. It was merged into the Illinois Central around 1878. This is the line Engineer Casey Jones met his fate on in 1900.

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