
Finish wye and starting of dual gauge

Finished HO wye.  Started dual gauge track in HO and H0n3 using FastTrack templates.

jpachl's picture

Reworking an old diorama

I recently finished a complete reworking of my TT scale Berlin diorama.

Reworked diorama

NevinW's picture

The most likely winning layout design

This is the design that I have decided will be most likely be built.  They say no battle plan survives the first shot, so it is probable that I will end up modifying it once I start building.  There were several other ideas that clearly I liked including the Fairmont Belt Line and the Virginian layout, but I know the WM a bit better, I discovered that I still own some WM equipment from 15 years ago (I remember how well those Stewart F7s ran) and the GC&E branch is appealing to me.  There are also new WM engines coming soon, including state-of-the-art F7 and RS3. 

wslco15's picture

West Side Lumber in 1/24th Scale

Work continues on the Clavey River bed.

Cardboard strips, Plaster cloth, and homemade Sculptamold.

Rocks come tomorrow. 

Resin pour after that.


Will_Annand's picture

The N Scale Credit Valley Railroad (v4.0)

Here I go again. My old apartment had water leaking into the unit for the 3rd spring in a row, so I decided to move.

I just moved into a new place on June 1st 2019.

I now have a 14x9 room and will attempt to recreate the Credit Valley Railway from Orangeville south to Cheltenham circa 1900.

I will be trying to keep all the features of the old layout, 8 station stops, 6 industry locations 4 farms, and a spot for a circus. 

Good luck to me, LOL

Pictures to follow.

cardstock model buildings

Has anyone bought or built cardstock models.  Ive looked at some on ebay,  wanted to know what you thought about Whiskey falls buildings.

Goose in The Caboose Productions's picture

The HO Scale Gapmaster

Here's the ultimate tool for layout joints, gaps, and just about anything else. Best thing I've ever bought for the layout. Period.


jeffshultz's picture

Kootenay Express 2019 - the 2019 PNR Regional Convention

I've only been to a few PNR Regional Conventions in the past, aside from assisting in running the 2018 one in Portland last year. In my limited experience, they are a scaled down version of the NMRA national - you have clinics, layout tours, prototype tours, non-rail tours and activities, a contest/celebration room, possibly a silent auction, and lots of people wandering around with big white nametags hanging from their necks.

You just don't have as many of them, which can make deciding what to do next a lot easier. 

Found Photos


I'm doing some background research on my railroad and came across some old photos from back in the day. Things really haven't changed that much ... Enjoy!

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