trainmaster247's blog

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We Now Have Track!!! (School Club Beginnings)

After a short wait I have great news. Over the weekend I received the first donations for our school layout. They are an extremely generous amount of products from Augusta Track creator of a modular track system (website link:


Their card

The Power Packs and Signs

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Modular Help

Hi as I am sure most of you know by now my school is starting a club and we want to make it modular (possibly) and I could use some help planning the gap points below is the track plan so please let me know what you think. Thanks, Trainmaster247

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Locomotive Sounds

Hi I am looking for a source of MP3´s of Locomotive train sounds of generic steam and diesel locomotives along with just train sounds to play from an iPhone when running a layout due to the fact that I don´t have DCC if anyone knows where I can find some that would be great.

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Engine Problem

1st of all they really should add a help topic choice for I am sure it would be well used.

2nd of all my problem.

       The locomotive in question is an all metal engine with pickups in the tender I am not sure if it is shorting but it sparks as it goes around and it stops and starts. Do you think it is something with the tender wheels? I will hopefully get pictures up soon.

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My lego fan train thing

Well the images and video speak for themselves this is built on a flatcar base with a Lego mounting for the snap circuits fan.



The real thing;

And some photos

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The Schnabel Car

Well I rarely spell the name of this car right so I will try not to but below are some images and videos of it being one of my favorites I wanted to show it to some people though I am sure mostt people have already heard of it.

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The Chicago Aurora and East Elgin Railroad

This is a rialorad that was originally by my house though was turned into a bike path known as the Prarie Path (see image below)


Here is a map of the old railroad

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Looking For Chicago Area Volunteers!!

Hi most of you are already familliar with me and some of my recent posts about my random ramblings and looking for help with a club I have most of the needed supplies gathered and now all I need are people from the Chicago area that could come to Lombard (can't say what school yet PM if you want to know) on Tuesdays or Wednsdays (has not been decided yet) from roughly 2:50-3:50 to mentor and help out with the buildding process of layouts we may also go to shows to do demonstrations so we would also need help with that if you or anyone you know can help out please PM me or let me know th

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Another random rambling

     Well I haven't made a long new post in awhile so I thought I would start off with saying you can literally come up with some weird stuff in your dreams. I was this model show with my friend and he wanted to model train wreck scene so I told him he should use arduino or something of the sort to get the flashing light effect in cars (it was a passenger wreck). I have kept that "in storage in my mind for awhile just because I felt I could use it somewhere and wanted to post it on here.

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Odd thing I hope to never see again

I was in Osh Kosh Wisconsin a block away from the tracks right by where it crossed the old swing bridge (now replaced with a lift bridge) and had a train sitting there for hours because the bridge broke down.

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