trainmaster247's blog

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Decoder Pro Question

This is probably a beginner question but I have a NCE Power Cab system for the school club and I was wondering if I needed a separate system to use decoder pro? Any ideas?

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Signal Question

I have the Bachmann double track signal bridge kit from an old set. It does not fit over the width of my double track and I was looking for suggestions. I have two ideas.

The first one being: Cut off both "legs" and mount the leg in the center instead of the edges. (not sure if this is prototypical)

The second one being: Cut off one leg but not have it centered over each track, (also not sure if this is prototypical)


trainmaster247's picture

Help With Links

I have seen times where a website link is embedded in the text I know you can just put a link in by itself but how do put it in a word so when you click the text it links. If you can help let me know thanks!

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Layout Animation Idea

This is a layout animation idea I came up that requires no motors and actually uses the trains momentum to power it. The idea I came up with uses a flat gear (rack) on the track and a gear sticking out from below the car. When the car passes over the rack gear it would move the animation. With varied rack length and teeth on the pinion (round gear) you could have almost limitless possibilities. I would try this myself but have two problems:

1. No available gears

2. I do not have a car to "butcher" and cut a hole in the bottom of.

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[GWMS] Awesome News

I did post this in our club topic but I couldn't help putting it here to. I will be receiving for me a NCE cup, hat and shirt along with for the club an NCE Power Cab System I can't wait to try this thing out. Also with that they sent 4 decoders which is a perfect start for our club.

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[GMWS] Cheap Water

Does anyone know of cheap water for model railroads since our club had little to no budget. If you know of a source or how to make some yourself please let me know. Thanks for your help and don't forget to check our club topic page-

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LED color question

Hi I am back with another question this one about the color you recommend for LED lighting. I will most likely get the rolls and am not sure what the best color is. If you could share your opinions below that would be great. Thanks again to all of you.

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[GWMS Model Railroad Club] Help With Yard

Well I am looking for help now with some wiring. I am working on getting a switch module (see image). We will most likely be making a yard module and I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for blocks. The yard blocks would be separated by track and run by the sam power pack as their respective tracks. If we were running DCC this wouldn't be a problem but we have DC if anyone could help please do. Thanks in advance, Trainmaster247.

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Great News Three Donations In One Day!!!!!

I just received an email from a Kato representative and they are able to donate a  HO scale Metra engine. Also a local club has supplies they can donate and also the donations from David Thanks to all of them.

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Thanks David Calhoun: We Have Scenery

The list of items is slowly increasing thanks to Augusta Track and a MRH local David Calhoun. Below are the images of what he sent for us and the teacher is very thankful. In roughly two weeks I will be scenicing (not sure on spelling) one of the curve modules so we will have an example next year.

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