trainmaster247's blog

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Trains Running on the GWMS Model Railroad

I finally got the trains running reliably on the layout. 80% have body mounted couplers and 95% with Kadees, others have either hornhooks or those old magic ones that can connect to both type without problems. The first video was from yesterday the second from today. The trains are as long as we can get them and all look great.

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Who all is entering the module contest?

Not sure if anyone wants to share if they are or not but it would be interesting to see who else is going to enter the contest? Also maybe if Joe and the entrants don't mind add their track plans here for all to see.

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Will anyone be at the World's Greatest Hobby Show in Shamburg?

I would love to meet some of my fellow MRH members and put a face with the names. I still am not certain I will be there but am hoping to!

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World Record Helix Attempt! UPDATE: SUCCESS!!!

This weekend at the Schamburg Convention Center Joe Delia of Augusta Track will be attempting to break the world record Helix height. He will be at the Worlds Greates Hobby Show and tell him Keegan sent you. Info can be found here:


The record breaking was successful and was done by a pair of Bachmann Spectrum 44 tonners in 30 min. Control was Digitrax with custom throttles. I hope to have photos and videos later along with more info.

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A Surprise From Walthers

I was extremely excited about this and wanted to share it. I was in contact with Walthers literally a full year ago on the topic of donations. Now as of yesterday we finally got our package from them. It came by complete surprise and contained these items: 2 Trilevel Autoracks, 1 Three pack of the New Well Cars, 1 Coil Car and One of the New Snowplows. These were all amazing models and I will definitely be going to Walthers for cars in the future. 

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Another Odd Railroad Patent...

And a car on that item:

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Hey Joe? Where did you get these?

I am speaking of the highway barrier in the corner looks like quite an impressive model? (Of course the scnery is to)
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Alternatives To caboose Industries Ground Throws?

Are there any, I would prefer operating ones.

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Back From Winter Break!

Well I just got back from winter break (and catching up all 15 pages of posts on here). I gained a great amount of kits over break and here is a list:


1. Walthers Dotties Drive In

2. Walthers Modern Oil Dealer

3. Model Power Chester Station

4. Tichy Train Group USRA Boxcar Rebuild

To Do:

1. Tichy Hopper Car

2. Old Wood Transfer Caboose Kit

3. Slag Car Kit


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Are Metal Wheelsets Worth it?

I have rolling stock mainly consisting of older tyco and some trainset quality life-like cars that I am using for my switching layout. They all not have body mounted Kadees and the question remains should I convert them to Metal Wheelsets? I have 18 cars being used on the "layout" and was curious what is the cheapest/most economic way to get enough for them all? I as many of you know have an extremely small budget so whatever help you can give would be appreciated! 

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