trainmaster247's blog

Looking to sell on ebay, tips?
I am looking to sell my Pensylvania f7a by MTH. It has DCS and sound and am thinking of a starting price of $200 with free shipping. Would that be likely to sell or should I go lower?

HOn3 trucks?
Does anyone know where I could find some HOn3 trucks? I am looking for some to scratchbuild some industrial flats and maybe also hoppers.

Any ideas on what this could be?
Saw this on the Metra South Shore Electric line is obviously a maintnce vehicle of sorts.

The Great Train Story Chicago
Photos from my trip to MSI Chicago

First Look: NEW O'Douls Flop House Kit from Bar Mills
To my knowledge this kit is not shipping yet and I am the only one doing the review. This one will definitely take longer than others and I will work on some better quality. I look forward to sharing this one with you and hearing your comments, Trainmaster247

You wont guess what was finished yesterday....
So i finished up the layouts scenery and it looks great (for a beginner layout)

Using head phone speakers with a TCS Decoder...
So i recently scrounged up this pair of speakers from some headphones. They are all i have right now so any ideas on how well it would work? It seems like headphone speakers would be perfect for smaller engines and larger ones for well larger engines.
photo of the speakers:

Improving Bachmann Decoders?
I have a e-z DCC bachmann decoder that no matter what engine i use it in it does not "motor" well, any tips on cvs to make it work better?

Cutting away at an engine frame??
so i have an atlas gp7 that i am working on converting to a gp7b, the frame of the engine has a nub on either side where the cab used to be and the are quite tall (around 1/2"-1") what can i use to cut this? I have a Dremel, drill press and little table saw thing. Would the drill work as a set of close holes then filling out the leftovers with the Dremel? Any help would be appreciated.

Custom Painting Engines on a Prototype.....
Pennsylvania heres the story, I have two gp7s in the santa fe paint scheme and one in the Pennsylvania black scheme. I am looking at all the santa fe schemes for gp7 though the zebra stripe looks for sure to difficult. What tips does everyone have for going about painting this? I will post picture of the two options and look for input (so instead of an impressive double header, i will have an impressive triple header!)
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