trainmaster247's blog

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Railcats at the 2016 NMRA Show

Well, I have some great news which I will go through and describe the steps here.

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Atlas Classic GP-7 HO Drop In Decoder

I have an HO Atlas GP-7 It does not have an 8-Pin Plug and was wondering if there was any drop in for it or if I would need to hardwire one into the current, Any ideas?

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Young Modelers On the Forum?

Who is there? Currently I know of: Me, Leverttrailfan and Ian Ring as the three youngest so who else is there?

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A Personal Dilemma (The Club Blog)

So this is a free for all conversation with all viewpoints welcome. I was talking to the head of my club today and the teacher was saying he didn't know if he wanted to continue the club next year. I won't be at the school to help him is his reasoning and I am contemplating how things go by. He said I could take it all for my own but my question is, is this right? I talked to one of the donors and they said I could have that as they were local and easy to return the items. I hope to hear all views and help solve my dilemma

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Wireless DC Control?

I am hoping to start work on a small 2'10 with a 2'x8' leg L shaped switching layout. I would like wireless control for this but not something very expensive. I will only be using one engine at a time, either a Atlas Classic GP7, A Trackmobile or a Kato Engine. I would prefer not to install any decoders or receivers though if it is required I could do with it. So anyone have any suggestions (or an old one they no longer need?) Any help would be appreciated!

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My First Engine Weathering

My first time using pan pastels and and a paint mix for the spots on the top photo.

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Laughing at myself

So, I was reading the latest issue of mr and saw a questin on ballasting track and thought that sounds interesting. Then I saw the person was from Illinois. Now th funniest part came in, after awhile I realized the person was me! blush

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Branchline Passenger Car Kits?

Are they difficult and or good builds? My local hobby shop has some on sale for $10 each compared to what the usual is said to be $40. Would it be good to try some out or are they not that worth it?

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A Look At How Far I've Come

Well I've been a member here now for exactly 2 years and 2 weeks (wow time flies!) and thought I'd take a look at how far I've really come. Just one year prior even I had no idea what DCC was and let alone how to build a kit. Now looking at things I have done and learned this list of things:

- Building a Laser Cut Wood Kit

- Building a Basic Kit

- Building a Tichy Kit

- Laying Scenery

- Ballasting Track

- Laying Sectional Track

- Laying Flex Track (As of 2/3) 

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6 Turnout switching layouts

So here is the information: I have three left and three right Micro engineering turnouts, I have 18 feet of flextrack and a 2'x10' ft. Table. It is code 83 if that matters and am looking for some designs other than mine. I get the shipment today (2/3) so sooner ideas come around the better! 

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