Layout tour
Black & White vintage pictures
This is my passion: model trains and b&w photography.
All images are taken from my latest layouts ("freelanced" Hillbrook Yard and "from prototype" Redstone Branch) and various dioramas, all based on Pennsylvania Railroad.
Industry Ave - a modular switching layout
I'm working on a modular switching layout - the first module is nearly completed: Here is an impression of it:
This beautiful layout in the Denver Area was part of Rocky Op North 2013. This Great example of a great running layout that with a very effective operations plan. Their were 8 operators and owner acting as dispatcher. Great fun had by all.
JL&T Railroad Blog - Layout Update #12...
Hi here is the latest video update on the JL&T...
MRH podcast
Hi All,
Just wondering what happened to Paul, Ryan and the podcast. There haven't been any updates since Oct 2012.
Nightlight photoshots
Hi friends,
today, I tried to make pictures with some types of light sources to simulate the night or late sunset lights.
I present here some photos. Are well accepted opinions and advices.
Operations on the Dames Point Railroad
Posted a new video of an operating session on the Dames Point Railroad. Follow along with the crew of A-215, The Magnolia, as they drop off and pick up some cars on the route.
Chronicling the Modular Switching Layout
This will be where I detail my modular layout that I plan to use as another sort of chainsaw that may or may not actually get the chainsaw. It will depend on how it turns out.
The main purposes of this layout are:
1) Have something to run, test and display trains on while I begin the construction of the main layout.
2) Test out some techniques I haven't had the chance to try yet.
3) Display at the local hobby show and allow kids to actually run a train and move cars around.
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