Scenery - Structures
Greenville & Howland Paper. Work in progress
Working on some foreground scenes for my paper mill complex. Still need to weather the heavy equipment but that will come in time.
The tracks at GHP is the eastern terminus for the railroad and uses both tracks in this area for switching. The layout uses a "modified" double oval being that the main track is the outside loop and the passing track is the inside loop. The passing track has almost all of the industries on the layout with the exception of the Town of Bownell which is the midpoint and has a few sidings there.
Coloraado Front Range Railroad update April 2016 - Painting Backdrops
Well here it is April and finally jumped in to backdrops wile this is not the final work on this here is a video on what I did and how I worked out what I will be painting. Also a look at two bridges that will be model on the layout. Looking at the prototype and and the beginning work on the layout. Hope you enjoy.
Mike Deverell
Hawaii Island Railroad
Umauma Railway & Navigation
The Umauma (pronounced Ooma ooma) Railway and Navigation along with the subsidiary, the Umauma Plantation Railway, is a common carrier on Hawaii Island. It draws inspiration from the Oahu Railway & Land Co., the Hawaii Consolidated Railway, Ltd,, Hawaiian Ag, and the many, many Oahu, Maui, Kauai, and Hawaii plantation railroads.
Sam Andrick Co. Finished (Almost)
Here is the Sam Andrick Co. building basically finished, and set in it's proper location. There are some minor details to be completed, but for now it is DONE.
New Customer on the layout
Recently finished assembling this wonderful structure by Monster Modelworks...
Engraving in Styrofoam
I´ve been hesitant to make large engraving projects. Both because it´s time consuming and also because my projects hasn´t turned out very well unfortunately. Now, I have however learnt a few tricks and methods to get a decent look, so I made a short video tutorial diy. Here´s a typical wall made in Styrofoam:
For some of you 'Arduino-ites'
Ran across this article HERE (Engadget) today and though a couple of you Arduino experts might see some usefulness for this in our hobby.
Figures and Scenery Items
I am looking for some help identifying sources for HO scale figures and scenery detail items. I have repeatedly searched the web and the advertisers for figures that I have seen in various photos both here and on Facebook. But I do not find anything but the "standard" Presser and Woodland Scenics people and building interior items like desks, chairs etc.
Cricut cut building with 3D printed additions
The building was cut out on a CriCut, HO scale. Not deigned or cut out by me. Many of the detail are 3D printed.
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