Layout design

Modeling California in the Great State of Hawaii
I sit on a ridge in a jungle valley looking through flowering trees to the distant mountains. The air is fresh and fragrant. The birds celebrate the day in song. When it rains, which is often enough, I work on my model railroad because I like trains. But more than that, what I really like to do is to create a world in miniature and the trains are my vehicle to do so.

Which comes first...Yard or Mainline
Recently, I was asked my input from a co-worker about model trains. He wanted to start building a "train layout" for his kids and needed to know where to start. He knew that I was a modeler and came to me for some advice. After doing his research (basically, asking the kids what they wanted) it was decided that he (they) wanted to run modern era trains in HO Scale. OK, great he said, lets get started with the design. It was during the design phase that we came upon the stumbling block. And it really made me wonder how many of us have had the same situation arise.
I am abeginner to the hobby. I need help trying to build an HO layout in a 9X10 room. I wold like it to be freelance and have the ability to operate more than one train at a time. I have built and tore down 4 tables thus far and can't seem to get the trains to operate properly. Can anyone help with a simple good layout?

Control Panel Design and Materials
Good day to you all. I am at the point where I need to design and build a control panel for my yard and other turn-outs on my railroad. I've seen the usual use of masonite, plexiglass, and some sheet metal, but I'm looking for other ideas. Form and function and flexiblity (my layout may change down the road) are important. Any unusal materials or ideas, tips and pointers would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Office room shelf layout - Care to critique??
I've attached a jpg of an office room shelf project I am planning. Room is roughly 10.5' x 9' and only three sides are useable because of an entry door and 5' bi-fold doors on one wall, so the layout must be a "U" and I would like to stay no more than 12" deep. As you can hopefully see the door and the bi-folds will limit the trackage behind them.

Simplification?? (Layout Critique)
I've posted design options here before and always tried to complicate things! The truth of the matter is that I don't have a lot of space. At the prompting of my lovely wife (who by the way thinks I don't really want to FINISH a layout, just keep redesign it...) I have tried to simplify things, yet capture the things that I would like to see in my miniature world.
Want to get help from fellow N gauge modelers and living in Orange County California?
I live in Orange County California and I am trying to start having monthly face to face meetings for N gauge modelers to get together and help each other with their home layouts.
If your interested in getting help or helping others with their layouts, please join the Meetup group that I have started.
Bernie Kempinski's book.
Bernie's book is great.
While i have no intention of building a steel mill of any kind, the book ofers lot's of infprmation about one of my favorite subjects: Converting existing kits to other uses from different scales. For example, when Bernie built Alkem Steel in N-scale he used the Walther's HO Scale kit and nodified it to make an impressive b;ast furnace on a N-Trak module! Well done, Bernie.
Prairie State Railroad design work in process
I have been busy over the past couple of years working on designing my future model railroad: The Prairie State Railroad Company. This layout, inspired by Bill Darnaby's Maumee Route layout in HO scale, is essentially going to be designed much like his HO layout, but done in N scale. As long a mainline run as possible in the space allotted, being a shelf layout inside a 16 by 17 foot room in a 16 by 22 foot garage (the extra space is the workshop and hidden staging yards).

J&L Railway - 1st Trackplan
Hi all again,
Here is the latest attempt at our trackplan for the J&L Railway. This is the lower deck of our twin deck layout, I have posted all information in the "Getting started in Aus" thread on the second page Some very note worthy information...I couldn't figure out how to attach another file to my reply.
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