Layout design

Please Help ,Round house placement

Good day all,


first post and already begging for thoughts that are out side the box.

I have grand designe ideas and no planning abilitys.


I have an assembled Walthers round house 12 stalls with machine shop plus all the other engine service stuff

coal water ash .



My problem is I cannot figure out how to make it fit on a 4x8 sheet of 2"foam


every thing has been assembled and is a bit hard to handle.

please help with any planning ideas you might have.

rblundon's picture

Track Plan Critique

Hello all!  I've spent many hundreds of hours going through designing what I thought would be the perfect track plan for the area that I have.  I've solicited opinions and help from a few people.  Now I have a plan that I like, but I just want to make sure that there aren't any glaring deficiencies...

Here is the start of my new layout plan ...


Hello all,

For those who are interested. Here is the start of my new plan. It was done in 3rd Planit and was a little difficult to get into a form that you all could see, but the part up top is the important bit. The yard / industrial area is based on the Yard at Mansfield, MA. If you look at Google Maps, and search for Mansfield and look wast of the junction of rt 140 and rt 106, move to the center of town and then follow the N-S line, which is Amtraks NE Corridor, you will see the yard north of the station on the west of the tracks.

dfandrews's picture

Daylighting a tunnel

edit:  added post categories

It was suggested on another thread that a daylit tunnel is a good modeling possibility.  So, here are some shots of BNSF's tunnel daylighting in Cajon pass.

The first shot is the "before".  The fifth one is from the same location a bit later.

Harrisburg Line layout - Level 1

Since this is my first blog post here, I figured I should give some background on my desired layout. I started out looking to do a proto-freelanced style layout based on Conrail in the mid-1990s. My research lead me to look at portions of Conrail's Lehigh, Reading, and Harrisburg lines for various track arrangments and design elements. The more I looked into this, the more I began concentrating on the Harrisburg line iteself. One of my desires was to have some Amtrak representation on the line so naturally, this led me towards the western end of the line, starting in Harrisburg.

Cadmaster's picture

The Diamond River Valley Railway Co.

The Diamond River Valley Railway Co. founded in 1964 as a subsiduary of the Santa Fe Railway Co exists to serve the trackage that was demoted to branch line status after the Santa Fe completed the Holliday Tunnel. The tunnel was built to assist the railroad with navigation through the mountains and to speed up its service between the east coast and the Midwest.

bkempins's picture

Diffraction Losses at Small f stops in Model RR photos

On another forum there was a discussion about diffraction losses in lenses at small f stops as applied to using Helicon Focu. So I decided to do a test to see how much diffraction loss my Canon 5D experienced with a 50mm Macro lens. These three shots are all shot under the same conditions with only the f stop varying. The three shots are at f32, f8 and f2.5. The original images shot in RAW and maximum quality jpg.

Layout 1: The First Apartment Layout

The First Apartment Layout

The First layout started so simple I could have laughed if I saw what it would become.

The original plan started as a 2’x4’ shelf module with three tracks at a base level, two tracks at a higher level, and then two more tracks on a third level.  Naturally, I then decided I wanted to connect the three levels together!!  Thus, I built the benchwork over my bed, a large 4’x7’, and then imagined up a mammoth of plans, by all means.

cduckworth's picture

Pictures of the Bagnell Branch

Here's a general overview of the Mopac Bagnell Branch.  More information is on my web site

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