Layout design
The Problem with Construction...
As many of you know I've recently started construction on my new layout. Occasionally in the middle of construction though, ideas come to you that you didn't have before, necessitating a pause to consider whether you want to continue as planned, or go with the possible new revision. I find myself at such a point and am looking for the opinions of my fellow MRH to help me decide which way to go.
Scenes and Transitions
I've been thinking a lot about showmanship in modeling lately so today's post on the Thunder Mesa website is all about scenes and transitions.
Great Info for Beginners.
For many beginners there are hundreds of questions. Many we discuss here. I recently received this link and I thought our beginners would be interest in this 8 page document.
From what I'm told is that this document is a handout for a clinic called, "Track Work, Doing it Right."
I found the rest of the clinics at this link.
Twelve Months of Layout Updates (Kind Of)
So over those twelve months (which is about to become seventeen, or more) there’s probably been less than two weeks or so of actual work, in three different stretches, but I did manage to get some things accomplished during that time.
MRH Track Plan Data Base
How do I find and access the MRH Track Plan Data Base
Thank you
Bill Michael
Temporary spray adhesive for pink foam?
Is there a spray adhesive that will not attack pink foam I can use to temporarily hold down some printouts with?
I've searched a few forums and Google and have come up with some permanent adhesives but nothing temporary/repositionable.
Copying some Obscure and Unheard of railroad...Freelancing?
This might be an old document file. (1996 give or take a few years). From the website. So would it be Freelancing to copy a railroad that has little to no information about it from route to motive power etc. or just make up a history to fill in the huge gaps left from no documentation to failure of the railroad to mergers etc. Makes you wonder when you cross over from Prototype fidelity to Freelancing?
Update on the CNW Watersmeet Engine Terminal Relocation
Some recent pictures of the progress on the relocating of Watersmeet Engine Terminal
The roughed in foam in the cut created by the raising of the Terminal subbase.
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