Locos and rolling stock

Bowser Sound Equipped Locos


Wondering if anyone has any experience with Bowser sound equipped locos (newer ones)?  I was looking at this one, a just released Baldwin DS 4-4-1000 loco (HO scale):


I'm wondering how they perform (slow speed, sound, etc) as compared to, say, Stewarts or Genesis locos?  No one at the local club, or the local NMRA group, seems to have any experience with Bowser locos.


Al Carter, Mount Vernon, WA

T.C.'s picture

Truck tuning question ?

I'm sure this has been discussed before and I have searched for the answer but come up empty.

I would like to know if there is an acceptable amount of side to side play of the wheel sets in a truck ?

I bought some intermountian wheel sets to replace my old BBox and MDC rolling stock wheel sets and they seem kinda sloppy in most of my trucks ? (around .025-.030 )

They don't fall out and the roll very well, but just seem loose side to side ?

Painting handrails (Atlas?)

Is there anything special about painting handrails? I've got a relatively old (~2005?) Atlas RSD5 that I'm trying to paint. It was originally an undec, so there's no paint removed. I didn't have any trouble painting the shell or truck sideframes. I'm using Vallejo acrylics. The handrails don't seem to like to let the paint stick. I did soak/wash them before painting (in dish detergent). They seem to be some kind of different material - Delrin perhaps?

kirkifer's picture

44 tonner ditch lights?


I have a few 44 tonners that I have picked up at shows and I want to use them in the most appropriate way. 

Since I model the 1990s into the early 2000s, any use of such locos would be as an inplant switcher or maybe an interplant (same company... plant 1 and plant 2, etc.)  switcher and probably painted in factory colors such as a LaFarge cement scheme or something. 

kh25's picture

Former Penn Central covered hoppers

When Conrail inherited the PC h54b covered hoppers were they repainted brown or just left green and patched out.Im trying to figure out why the remaining cars today are weathered green,intact pc lettering, conrail lettering patched with brown and a large part of the car is brown.

Heavily weathered jade green Penn Central hopper

kh25's picture

Former Penn Central covered hoppers

When Conrail inherited the PC h54b covered hoppers were they repainted brown or just left green and patched out.Im trying to figure out why the remaining cars today are weathered green,intact pc lettering, conrail lettering patched with brown and a large part of the car is brown.

MannsCreekRR's picture

42 ton Shay drawing, need help finding one

does anyone know where I can find a scale drawing of a 42 ton Shay for a scratch building project that I am starting.  thanks

HVT Dave's picture

Tubing for driveshaft

I need to connect a 2.0 mm motor shaft to a 1/8" (3.175 mm) gearbox shaft.

What ID tubing and wall thickness is recommended.  What material, vinyl or silicone, or ??  Who is a good supplier?

Need help with Atlas handrails

Does anyone have any hints or tricks for reinstalling handrails on an Atlas HO diesel? Specifically the end handrails on an Alco C420. I’ve found they’re so fine and springy that I can’t get them to stay in the mounting holes while I insert them all. And the holes are almost impossible to see even with a magnifying glass. Thanks!

RRKreitler's picture

Micro Trains SW-9 Decoder

I am trying to determine if there is a decoder that will work for a Micro Trains SW-9.

A while ago, Micro Trains released two sets called the "Wreck Recovery Train" and "MOW Work Train". According to the boxes, the locos that come in these sets are SW-9s.

These are fairly old and I am wondering if anyone knows:

Can these take a decoder (without needing to completely rebuild the frames)?

If so, which decoder?  

I can find a number of references for MT SW-1500s, but no SW-9s.

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