Locos and rolling stock

kirkifer's picture

Bachmann / Bowser 4-8-4 needs help

This is a Bachmann / Bowser retrofit 4-8-4. This happens to be for a Niagara but true to Bachmann form, I think this drive train is used under the UP and Santa Fe loco versions too. Of course, Bowser did not make a different frame either.

FYI, I isolated the motor from the frame by using a couple of non-conductive nylon screws to hold the brushes on the motor. It is now sorta DCC friendly. 


I have been tinkering with model railroading. Not nearly enough time to do everything I want here! I am now using updated DCC equipment but found some of my old cars.... 60's and 70's???

The couplers are different. Who has a recommendation of how to upgrade. What works best (and easy to switch out)?

You experts out there have never let me down before!




Building the Georgia Road SD70MAX---Prototype Freelance Rebuild




gmpullman's picture

A Look At The Rapido, New Haven Diners:

To avoid loading lots of photos, I'm making an introductory post. Photos will follow!


Thanks, folks,


outtacontrolrr's picture

Which kind of glue to use

I want to glue small cribbing made from bass wood to the plastic deck of a Walthers 60' flatcar. Just wondering what kind of glue works best for bonding these two materials together.

Thanks in advance!

PS-2 weathering

Darent's picture

Modelling in 16mm scale Darent

I've been building these models for some time now, but hopefully will complete them this year.

Everything is scratch built except the motors.














JackM's picture

Fading Non-Boxcar Red Freight Cars.

Immodestly I think I am getting pretty good at weathering standard boxcar colors using powders and Pan Pastels.  But the era I model, around 2000, has more colorful cars.  My experience trying to fade these out has been somewhere between bad to a disaster.  My latest attempt was a Chessie blue boxcar I tried to fade with white Pan Pastels, did not work out.  I have heard of spraying a thin layer of a lighter shade of the car color, but would that not also affect the lettering?  I have also read to do this with white or gray.  I have tired oils on several projec

railandsail's picture

Rail Car Shunting Machines, switchers, 'trackmobiles', etc

Recently while discussing my center peninsula track planning, container terminal & pier terminal scenes, there were a number of postings that made reference to a lot of older railcar moving engines. I hadn't realized there was such a variety of these older devices , particularly when I almost never saw them modeled.

I thought it would be interesting to look at a number of this variety in one dedicated subject thread.



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