Locos and rolling stock

Ideas for weathering

First of all, I'm 82 yrs old. Lazy. All of my equipment has never been weathered. Until recently. I had burned some incense and found that the ashes, although all grey, were very fine. So I saved them until I had enough to play with. I dabbed a finger in them and patted the sides of some gondola cars. Looked OK. Dabbed some on the inside/floor. Looked OK. Using a small brush, dabbed the trucks. The total effect is obviously, very light. And if you handle them, the ashes come off. Also, if you get too much on, just blow the excess off. All this is totally simple and easy as can be.

NevinW's picture

Altering Genesee & Wyoming engine paint details

I model the Maryland Midland which is now part of the G&W system and uses engines with SD45 car bodies.   There is an SD45 available in the G&W paint scheme.  Has anyone relettered a model from one G&W railroad to another?  How hard is it to do?  Thanks 

Bessemer Bob's picture

Will Intermountain Produce N scale Locomotives?

Just a general question to the masses. 


Will Intermountain deliver a N scale locomotive any time soon?  


I have quite a few on pre order for several years now, and I am sure I am not the alone on this?


Anybody reach out to IM, I have several times and get the same short answer. 


I know the factory issue in China set IM back as it did just about everybody else. But since then I have pre ordered and received many other locomotives. 

Who made this HO model boxcar?

I'm trying to figure out what manufacture made this model -  Any help is greatly appreciated!  



What is it !

 I seen this today but forgot to ask what it is, Has anyone ever seen such a monster ?

Georgia Road Charity livery

Finally completed a project that had been put on the back burner for a bit.

I am not an HO modeller so picked this Atlas B23-7 up for the project, not a great work of super detail art but hopefully gets the message across. Well done to Georgia Road for supporting the cancer charities. Even my wife thought, you are painting a locomotive PINK!

Bachmann Plus GP35 locomotive

Hi There

I have a question which may seem slightly silly to some.

Here’s the background...
My husband has Bachmann Plus GP35 locomotive that has NEVER worked (right out of the box). He bought it for his Dad (a railroader) who loved it and didn’t care if it ran.

My husband would love to see it run, but if he sends it in to Bachman, he may not get the same locomotive back.

If I were to buy another GP35 locomotive that works, could I just put the PRR shell on the working locomotive?

Bessemer Bob's picture

Corn Syrup in the early 1980s. HELP

Another question for the historians. 


Looking at a facility that could possibly fit into the layout that was and still is a Juice Prodcuts beverage production facility. Currently it receives covered hoppers and those classic corn syrup tank cars. 


I would like to back date this operation to roughly 1980. Any ideas of the type of tank car used for corn syrup back then?


Also what would be in covered hoppers? Sugar I assume?





barr_ceo's picture

What's your choice on weathering models? (Poll and discussion)

Per a recent discussion in another thread....

What's your personal choice in weathering models? Not what you would LIKE to do... what do you actually do?

  1. Run 'em right out of the paint shop
  2. A little light weathering.
  3. Mild dirt and grime
  4. Heavy grime and rust
  5. Drag is out of the scrapyard


Selling off your Inventory of locomotives and rolling stock?

Have any of you sold off your inventory of locomotives and rolling stock?  I have been emailing a company called Trainz.  Not really getting anywhere with them.  What have you done?  I have sold many things on Ebay and would have continued with that, excepting lately it doesn't seem to be working as well as it once did.  

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