Locos and rolling stock

emillerz's picture

SoundTraxx AT-1000 in Atlas GP39-2 - Lights?


I am installing a SoundTraxx AT-1000 sound decoder in one of my Atlas Trainman GP39-2s, but am having some difficulty getting the lights to work.  Before I go further, I thought I should ask around so I don't ruin or short out the decoder.

To start with, I followed the directions on this site for wiring:

RDG-LNE's picture

Bachman HO Ore Car

Regarding the ore car question in the January 2014 issue in te Questions ad Answers section: Might the prototype be a Quebec, North Shore and Labrador car? Eric Stevens used the prototype QNS&L ore car for a dollar model project in a 1050s era Model Railrader article. A quick web earch showed a few photos of QNS&L ore cars similiart the Bachmann model.



Mycroft's picture

First day after Christmas at the club

<p>So, yesterday was the first day of normal club operations after Christmas. I got there a little late and was kind of expecting to just take my new engine over to the test/programming track to work on it. Whoops.....</p>

edfhinton's picture

Anyone know what these are?

As part of a mixed lot of HO rolling stock, I got a couple items that I don't know what they are.  I don't know if they are just part of the frame of something and the rest of the car is missing, or if they are some kind of open frame car for carrying steel or something similar.

Here are a couple pictures of the first one.

early 1900s ore cars, ho scale

id like to get a string of ore cars from the early 1900s, say between 1910ish and 1930ish.  micromark has something, but i dont know anything about the quality.  here's a link


does anyone have a recommendation on a manufacturer where i could buy ore cars?  any thoughts on the micromark cars?  id like RTR and preferably from a western railroad.

edfhinton's picture

Need a part for Fleischman F7A

I have a used Fleischman F7A diesel that I am hoping to repair.  The motor itself, if removed from the loco and powered, spins very freely.  The problem is, there is a coupling missing between the motor and the rest of the drive train on one end. I was thinking perhaps there is a way I could fabricate a part, but if I can find a supplier and buy one that might be preferable.

Here are pictures to describe what I am looking at.  First, here is the loco still assembled in case anyone recognizes it that way:

Cracked Gears on Lionel HO UP Turbine?

I have an HO Lionel Veranda Turbine that has at most 30 minutes of run time on it. I bought it new, shortly after they came out and after a bit of running on my old layout, I moved and it has been stored in a closet inside the house ever since.

I recently took it out to run and it had the dreaded click and bump from each wheel rotation that I have found so often in P2K GP 7/9's. However, with the Turbine it only happens when running FWD. I have been told that NWSL make a replacement gear #2462-6 12T  but I can't get the axles out!

Electrically Conductive Lubricant

I could use some advice.  I have 2 Athearn Genesis sound locos (an F7A/B and an MP15) that have the dreaded intermittent electrical pickup problems.  I have NWSL wheel sets on order that were recommended on Tony's Train Xchange website as a fix to the problem.  The fix says to use the wheels plus Electrolub in the journal cavity.  Problem is, I don't know that electrolub is available any more.

Does anyone know of a readily available substitute for Electrolub?


John C


HEY GUYS SORRY FOR THE DELAY IN POSTING BUT IVE BEEN HAVING SO MUCH FUN WITH THE LAYOUT.but first we see MEC 254 with a pass extra. and LVRC hauling the same train a few hours later on a far holiday trip. and we even see a rare Allagash hopper outside of Maine and even get to see the 254 hualing local after we head back to St. J but to everyone. Merry Christmas and happy holidays

DKRickman's picture

Backwards brake valves?

I'm sitting here watching Polar Express again (my favorite Christmas movie), and the same scene is bothering me as does every year.  When they show the kids applying the brake on the locomotive, they pull the handle all the way around to the left.  Every brake valve I have ever seen works the other way, with the extreme left being the release position, and the extreme right being the emergency application.  Are there brake valves which work the other way around?  Or is this just another case of "close enough for the general public?"

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