Locos and rolling stock


I am becoming discouraged and dissatisfed with putting up to date decoders in old, tired locos. Short of new motors and drive trains I am gradually becoming aware that I might be better off saving money on decoders and time on reworks, and putting the money into some new locos. anyone else having these thoughts? John Colley, Sonoma, CA

LINDE cryo tank car finished-scratched


The weather was nice yesterday, so I was able to take photos of my car. This modern looking car was built 12-60, so it's long gone. It hauled liquid Argon at -350 degs. Thanks for looking.

Regards, Bobby




Mycroft's picture

And Score!

Been a heck of a 2 weeks here.  Thought I would let you guys in on some of it.  Started by finally figuring out where the sores and such on my lower legs were coming from - poison ivy from the dog's fur.  We found out when the bush he liked to play under was removed and the yard guy found the Poison ivy.

B to A conversion

I have a spectrum F7AB set. got a great deal on ebay. these are  N scale models. problem is that i need 2 A units. is it possible to just change the B body shell out for an A unit shell?

Roundhousecat's picture

securing speakers inside locomotives

I just got a few new Rail Master speakers that I will try and fit into my various locomotives with my RailPro sound modules. I don't want to permanently install the speaker just listen to it and see how it sounds before I do so. Has anyone ever used this product by Elmers? http://www.elmers.com/product/detail/E625?filterPath=putty

I looks like it may work. Would it work for a permanent seal or what should I use? getting a bead of some silicone down in there looks nearly impossible on some of the loco shells. What works and what should I aviod?

Bernd's picture

Kingstone Locomotive Works receives two engines for rebuild

Was surfing E-bay and came across two items I keep looking for.

First, another calf for the mother cow and her first calf. I now have a heard.

This engine set will be driven by Hobbytown drives. The first calf has a Hobbytown drive that was designed for the Athearn SW series switchers way back.

 The second calf will get a custom built frame with Hobbytown drive components.

missing construction templates

I picked up an old Taurus Products kit for 20 ft.wood ore cars (2 in 1 kit) kit # 305.

I can't find a web site for them, are they still in business ?

 My kit has the instruction sheet but no Construction templates that are called for .

Any help here? Thanks.

RickyEMT's picture

Athearn Genesis GP38-2 DL Issue

Hey Guys,

I have an Athearn Genesis Norfolk Southern GP38-2; Road # 5057; Model # G40627 w/ Tsunami Digital Sound Decoder.

Everything is working great except for a problem with this:

Athearn Mike

I have an Athearn Mike.  The motor runs, the wheels do not.  I want to remove the shell.  I called Athearn and they said to pull hard.  I've tried with no success.  Does anyone have any suggestions?


Paul Reagon

Ozark Mountain Railroad

Modern RB and RBL insulated boxcars. 1990+

Hello all,

Is there any available model of modern RB and RBL insulated boxcars?.

Modeling H0 scale, 1990s to present day.

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