Locos and rolling stock

kirkifer's picture

Assemble a Selley / Custom Finishing / Bowser metal car kit


In a box of junk, I found most of the parts for a Selley / Bowser / Custom Finishing hopper. It is a small car, probably a GLa 2 bay hopper, so it does not really fit my era. Still, I thought I might have some fun assembling it. The problem is I have never assembled a metal freight car kit and I have no idea how to do this the best way... I am looking for advice on the best way to assemble the car.



Larry Sloan's picture

Weathered BN HO Athearn GP38-2s on my layout

My latest weathering project photographed on my freelanced, BN South Olympic Branch.  Enjoy!

HO Whip antenna : material choice?

Dear MRHers,

Just a quick one, am looking at a few upcoming loco projects which appear on the prototype to use whip antennas.

Starting with the baseline that 1" in HO is around 0.010",
and the dia of a whip antenna is usually based around a standardised threaded 5/16" base,
we're talking an antenna in the order of 1/4" or 0.002" dia in HO.

Riveting Valve Gear Assemblies

What do you guys use to spread the rivets in steam locos when assembling all the valve rods?

I just received the #754 Valve gear kit for my 0-4-0 "Little Shifter" and can't find my Riveting Tool that came with an older Mantua kit I purchased about 25 years ago.

Bowser sells a Riveting Tool for $2 but want $10 shipping, possibly more as I am in Canada. Any suggestions?

upsmuggler's picture

Buffer car service

I need a Buffer car or two to my ethanol train.

Can anybody help me with pictures of cars roadname, number and buffer service text etc...

Thanks in advance


Hans Ole

Bernd's picture

GP38 in need of a chassis

Just got this in the mail Saturday. It's a GP38-2 in need of a power chassis. I was thinking of using the Auto Torque Transmission I've developed.


Bernd's picture

New meaning to the word "Spiral track"

Gives a whole new meaning to Spiral Helix.

I got dizzy just watching it, little nauseous to.


Bernd's picture

What's on Your Workbench?

I'm posting this to counter the "Is it a model". How about a section for "What's On Your Workbench"? First when I go to "Create Topic" I see nothing that I can put this type of post in. I call this a "scratch-bash" or it could also be called a "kit-bash" since I'm using the items that could be kitted and sold as a power unit.

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