Locos and rolling stock

HO Locomotive Ditch Light Installation questions

Since my freelanced DM Rail Group is set in the modern "nowadays" era, I've had to run under a Federal Model Railroad Administration waiver (a/k/a "modeler's license") because my locomotives do not have working ditch lights.

Grain Hopper Question

Hey everybody! I noticed that Pullman-Standard Grain cars in a red with a diagonal white stripe scheme seem to be popular. I'm not exactly sure what Elevators they belong too but I think a major one is somewhere in Nebraska. My question is why is this scheme so popular? Does a specific holding company that owns these elevators only use or what? Thanks for any help!

N scale 0-6-0 and curve radius

Hi everyone, 


I was wondering if anyone had any experience of getting this locomotive, 


around the Kato unitrack 315mm 45 degree curves?


I may be moving into a larger place soon, allowing me to do more with my layout, and that curve would make the most sense in the environment. Likewise I'm thinking of adding some steam to my roster. However, I don't want to snap any wheels off ...  

NevadaBlue's picture

New locos and ore car


IMON expanding couplers

I have run across a very interesting line of couplers from a Japanese manufacturer IMON.  Here is their website:  http://www.imon.co.jp/MODELS/GOODS175.MBR/IMCOUPLER.  I'm wondering:

New lighting for real (full size)locomotives!!

New for the rivet counters.

Led lighting for the full size locomotives in the USA.


Now the real ones and your models can have LED's.


Michael T.'s picture

My trip to the Smokies and how I "discovered" a railroad I didn't know about.....

I've lived here in Georgia all my life and one of my families favorite getaway destinations that is fairly nearby has always been The Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I knew that, way back when, before it was a park that there had been logging operations. Not being much of a proto guy anyway I'd never been really that much interested in it and assumed that  "The Smoky Mountain Railroad" that ran back in that time was a logging line.  Well not quite.

JRG1951's picture

Re-purposed Boxcar

Found this Re-purposed boxcar on a little used siding near Manassas West Virginia. I guess it was no longer needed by the original owner. Glad to see it was put to use by our government.

Regards, John

Anyone who isn't confused really doesn't understand the situation.<> Edward R. Murrow

Rolling Stock for my future 1920's layout--what do I need

I am building my rolling stock for my 1920’s layout.  It’s in Maine, near the coast, on the B&M, with the Maine Central close by.  I’m trying to sort out what I should have for rolling stock, particularly what road names should be present.  B&M and Maine Central, of course, CN should have a decent presence.  The Pennsylvania Railroad should be present in significant quantities, as the layout will include some industry, resulting in machinery and steel coming north from the forges of Pennsylvania—there is a small shipyard or boatyard on the

Need Help Finding Proper Headlight Casting For 2-10-0 Decapod

Hi Gang,

I purchased a couple of the Bachmann 2-10-0 Decapods from folks who had lost the headlight castings off of them. They're the Susquehanna versions, so the headlight casting mounts to the top of the smoke box and not in the center front.

I have looked through so many casting, that I am lost as to which one is the proper one to use as a replacement. Can someone please tell me which casting and from whom, would be the proper replacement for these?

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