Locos and rolling stock

Piggyback Flatcar question

I'm looking for information about the 53' GSC Piggyback cars used back in the 1950/1960 eras. I have two of the Walthers Mainline HO models that differ from TOFC cars I previously purchased. My question is basically how they loaded the semi trailers onto these cars. The other TOFC cars I have could be loaded from the ends using platforms, but the GSC version has only a single loading step on each end. Also, the "B" end of the car has a brake post that would seem to be in the way for loading from a platform.

fernpoint's picture

Bachmann Light USRA 2-10-2 'problem'

I have a Bachmann USRA light 2-10-2 (HO) which I got very cheaply on eBay a few years ago.

It exhibited a slight 'waddle' which despite much tinkering I couldn't eliminate. I bought a new chassis from Bachmann and waddya know - it still waddles.

rickwade's picture

Scaletrains Evans 5100 RBL Double 8' Plug Door Boxcar review

NOTE:  This is an unsolicited personal review by me - NOT requested by Scaletrains or any other person or company

After watching the videos on Trainmaster TV about the new company Scaletrains I decided that I wanted to support them by purchasing one of their boxcars.  I have more than enough rolling stock for my small layout; however, I really like what i saw about the company - especially the guys involved with the company.


Walthers Passenger cars tune up

About a year ago I bought a used set of HO scale Walthers 10 car Sante Fe Super Chief passenger cars. I got them for a great deal with metal Kadee couplers and metal wheels but sadly they cars were operating very troublesome. To the point I could not run them without a derail every lap around the layout.

OKGraeme's picture

Build Dates?

I am cataloging my Rolling Stock in an excel spread sheet. Part of this is making notes on cars that need mods or weathering, etc. 

One item I am making notes of is the dates on the cars (if any) as I want to redecal cars dates to match my era better.

One of the cars I just entered is an Atlas Bulkhead Pulpwood car. The dates on this car confuse me! It has BLT 8-63 and in 2 other locations it has HAG 8-62 and PPD 8-62. I assume HAG is Hagerstown MD and PPG is Packed as in truck bearings. 

traintalk's picture

Show us your Cars assembled from kits

Show us your Freight Cars assembled from kits.

I have been working on cars assembled from kits. These are plastic kits that you basically assembled from the ground up. Drill the holes and form the grab irons and glue everything together. Next comes priming, painting, decaling and weathering.

The advantage of building kits, other than satisfaction, is that you can detail them to prototype pictures. 

fernpoint's picture

Box car era question

I few years ago I bought these Yardmaster  Branchline box cars:

Both are generically described as HO 40' 1937 AAR Boxcar- which is my era.

However they both have build dates in the early 40s.

Question is, would these be ok to use (obviously as new condition) box cars on a 1937 railroad?

Rob Clark
Cornhill & Atherton RR

skyshooter's picture

Any Reviews on Tomalco HOn3 rolling stock Kits?

I have the chance to pick up some older but complete and new in box Tomalco HOn3 kits, my question is how good are they, and how well do the go together?

jlrc47's picture

Three Truck Shay

Hi All,

Last ops session we had problems with my Bachmann Three Truck Shay. After it derailed for the last time we noticed the wheel sets on the third truck had fallen out of place. Picked it up to investigate and the wheel sets stayed on the layout. Comes to find out the truck was broken in half.

My issue I can't find parts online for the shay. Does anyone know where a truck can be found?

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