Locos and rolling stock

Speaker or Speakers for a Locomotive?

I'm updating the electronics in a Atlas O SW9, including a new DHB28-Box  (8 Ohm) speaker.

The SW9 has an existing speaker which is 8 Ohm and 1.25W in the fuel tank.

The new speaker will be placed behind the opening/grill at the front of the SW9.

BLI P3 heavy Mikado

I just got a BLI P3 mikado. It works great but the sound seems way off. It is anemic compared with my P3 consolidation. The chuff at start up is the only sound close. Afterwards it gets distorted and even stopped for a split second upon testing. The whistle is barely audible. The bell is the same. I am wondering if I can adjust cv’s or if I have a lemon. 

Bachmann HO Amtrak ACS-64

I recently purchased the new Bachmann HO ACS-64 electric. The model itself is beautiful. Its running qualities on DC are terrible. My RR is DC and it will stay that way. I phoned Bachmann to see if they had any suggestions to improve the performance on DC. I even questioned hardwiring the motor directly to the trucks and by-pass the decoder. I have no interest in DCC or sound. I was told there was nothing that could be done! I wasn't going to "buy" this. I disconnected the motor leads from the PCB and soldered them directly to the truck leads. It runs beautifully.

Walthers 75' 4 truck depressed center flat--how accurate is the kit and what does it need?

I just got my hands on a 1990's vintage Walthers 75' depressed center flat with 4 trucks.  Overall, how accurate is the kit?  At a minimum, I'll put metal wheels on it and Kadee couplers--might put Kadee trucks on it if it needs them.  I will also drill out the tie-downs.  As an unusual car, it needs to be retty good, as it will attract more attention than a few boxcars will.

What changes are needed to improve the car, if it needs anything?


cduckworth's picture

Missouri-Illinois GP-12 (exRS-3)

Almost finished with this Missouri-Illinois GP-12.  Started off as a Bachmann CP RS-3 and stripped the paint, built up the fan area and added two EMD 36" fans and built the exhaust with spark arrestors.  MP re-engineed these my removing the Alco prime mover and replacing it with an EMD 567 12 cylinder engine from their retired E units.  Painted with lightened TruColor Dark Eagle Blue (Jenks Blue) and weathered with water based oils and military dry pigments.  Will add the couplers when the Soundtraxx EMD 567 12 cylinder hits my local hobby shop.

Looking for proper paint colors

Hi All -- just started cutting out a batch of 10 well cars for my new railroad.  Im hopefully going to be painting them in the next week, and I am looking for the right paint.  I need 2 types - the TTX Yellow that is so commonly seen, and also that reddish not quite rust color often seen on rail cars.  I prefer to stick with acrylic paints (I commonly use Vallejo Model Color and Model Air)  but I am willing to try other brands



tbdanny's picture

A Replacement No. 2 for the BVLC (On30 Scratch-Bash)

Part 1: A Tale of Two Connies

Yes, I'm doing another locomotive build.  Unlike the others, this one has a bit of my personal On30 history behind it.

Mantua/Tyco 4-6-0 Sn3

Has anyone converted the old Mantua/Tyco HO 4-6-0 into an Sn3 Southern Pacific narrow gauge 4-6-0.  I was amazed how close the dimensions of the mechanism are.  There is an S scale plan for the SPNG #12 in the May 1983 issue of Model Railroader.  I do not have the model in hand but instead I used the dimensions of the model in the review in the January 1966 Model Railroader.  For Sn3 the drivers would have to be narrowed slightly.  I did some searching but was unable to find any previous articles on this conversion.


Virginian and Lake Erie's picture

Run Like a Dream Rolling Stock book review

I recently received my printed copy of the rolling stock book Joe F has been working on for quite a while. For those that have yet to purchase one I urge you to get yourself a copy for your how to library. I have several books I consider great sources of reference material. This text is another addition. Not all books make the list.

trainmaster247's picture

EMD Styling model

So I tried getting some info on this a while ago but had some bad photos so I went to take some better one I am also inquiring with trains magazine to see if they can help but anyone know or hear anything about styling models?



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