Locos and rolling stock

Sound files for Rapido SW1200RS

Has anyone run two SW1200RS Locos together, one with the factory-installed Rapido sound file and the other with a "stock" ESU file?  Do they "notch up" in sync?  Do they work well together, assuming you change the various CVs in the ESU file like Matt Herman has posted elsewhere?


HoN3 / HoN30 Dual gauge track

A couple of questions:

  1. Is Blackstone the only company that makes HON3 gauge (DCC) equipment.  
  2. Is micro engineering the only manufature on Dual gauge HO/HON3
  3. How easy is it to convert Bachmann HON30 to HON3.
  4. Does any one make dual gauge H0/HON30 track / switches

Problems repainting hi-end models.

Are we reaching the point where we can no longer repaint or adapt current production models? I am trying to dis-assemble an Athearn Genesis GP9 in order to convert it to another road name. The hood is glued to the walkway, trapping the cab, with its sliding windows into a single assembly. This will make it extremely awkward to repaint. 

Suggestions for modeling an Amtrak 50' "short" baggage car


I'm interested in making a model of an Amtrak 1300-series baggage car, which were a little unusual because they were converted from US Army kitchen cars and only 50' long. Here's an example:

After poking around I could only find mention of one company ever making a kit (Train Station Products), but it seems to be long out of production and not common on the used market.

For those who want to upgrade their steam equipment

You may have heard of Bay Area Garden Railway Society... if not, see this:


Hope you enjoy it!




Athearn Genesis First Responder SD60E w/Loksound

Just installed a 21 pin Loksound Select into this SD60E with an ESU speaker. Easiest installation ever - literally plug and play. Sounds great too. Just thought I'd share.



looking at modeling this DODX flatcar; have questions

I found a good photo to use as a prototype for a depressed center flat car.

Plausibily of roadnames/car types based on era/locale.

Hi all,

I have been researching what kind of roadnames were present/seen on the Pasadena subdivision in the 60s with respect to freight cars. So far, given early to mid sixties footage, i got a glimpse of some eastern roads present on the subdivision such as NYC, SAL etc...

Oh, No! Busted white metal - need suggestions

I have this MDC or similar caboose with a cast metal floor.  In disassembly, the floor broke... pretty neatly almost in the middle.

I'm looking for a suitable repair, and expect to do one of these, but am soliciting ideas that worked for others before embarking on a last-chance fix.

Repair proposal 1:   Epoxy and wood.  Simply size and shape a layer of wood to fit and epoxy it to the flat interior surface.  This is the simplest and most likely approach.

Westwood passenger car kits

Does anyone know the history of Westwood passenger car kits?  I recently purchased one on E-bay and a date of 1969 is hand written on the instruction sheet.  I thought the kits came out in the 1970's.  Also does anyone have tips on assembling these kits?  I'm thinking scribed styrene could be used to replace the scribed wood that comes in the kit.  I have assembled their kit for a CP shorty business car over 30 years ago and it was a challenge to build with both plastic and wooden parts and no truly good adhesive at the time.


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