Locos and rolling stock


I am scratch building from wood some HO scale gondolas and flat cars for my HO scale railroad and I need to letter them.  I want to try my hand at lettering them myself without using decals.  What would you guys recommend I use?  I have been considering a white pencil or ultra fine white paint pen.  Amazon also shows some ultra fine white gel pens.  Do you guys think any of these would work?  I have seen pictures of models made decades ago where the lettering was hand drawn but I don't know what they used to do it. 


Atlas Master H-15/16-44 just sits there

Picked up an Atlas H-16-44 with the Lenz 4 function decoder.  I moved the jumper plug to digital mode.  Using a NCE Power Cab I set the address to 3.  Both front and rear headlights are lit and the engine doesn't respond to any command inputs, e.g., moving forward or backwards, lights on or off, etc.

Any suggestions?  I haven't moved the jumper plug back to analog mode and tried it on a test track.  Is there a way to reset the decoder?

Weighting an HO Athearn heavyweight

I'm building an HO Athearn heavyweight observation kit to serve as a stand-in for a business car.  I'm putting the semblance of an interior in the car, so the metal plate weights which come with the kit won't fit.  In looking at ideas for mounting weights, I see two obvious possibilities:

On30 Rail Truck circuit board

Anyone have a schematic or a pin diagram for the pcb included in the Bachmann On30 rail truck? Need to know which solder pads get track power, motor, and lights wires. Model completely disassembled for painting and all wires broken and/or shorted. Its a long story.

railandsail's picture

Plastic Gear Cleaning Recomendations

I agree this fellows older posting on another forum,....

kh25's picture

Covered hopper wheels what size

I'm looking to replace my Athearn  plastic wheels with metal wheels these are the 3 bay 54' grain cars. What size wheel size? 33" ?

kleaverjr's picture

Are there different Axle Gears in Proto 2000 GP's, SD's, and SW's?

I have several Proto 2000 GP7s, GP9s, GP18s, GP20s, SD7/9s, SW9/1200s and BL2s that all need to have their axle gears replaced.  Does anyone know if the A-Line 40005 Axle Gear replacements will work for all of those models?  They LOOK the same, but if there are minor differences that I can't see, I need to know before I buy a whole bunch of them.  Thanks

Ken L

Decoder Plug Removal

I have a Proto GP-20(NS #2008) from Walthers..  I see paired wires are connected to the decoder by, what looks like, white plugs.  I am sending 2 pics with this email .  I need to know how to "unplug" these from the decoder.  Do I lift up on them, do I slide them to edge of decoder, or what?  Any help in this matter would be appreciated.  

Thanks, in advance for your help.


Lowering Athearn blue box locos

Hello everyone

I am working on a trio of Smoky Valley Frisco GP15s using Athearn blue box GP 38 frames and trucks. I have searched on the forum but I'm not finding anything about my question so I'll just put it out here. I remember an article (perhaps by Jim Six) about how to lower the Athearn body about 6 scale inches. It seems I remember something about using a Dremel tool to mill around the truck kingpins? 

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