
Michael T.'s picture

Blackwater Team Track Docks

I ordered a Blair Line loading dock and loading ramp kit and they got here today and I assembled them tonight. This is the idea I had for the area in front of what is now known as "Olroy Feed and Farm Supply Co." I had originally envisioned them arranged as in the first picture but I'm not sure that I don't like the long narrower version in the second picture. I could also use the docks somewhere else and do something entirely different here but I'm leaning this way. I figure a nice field of static grass, the docks and not much else.

Building Walthers Interlocking

Turning a failed project into a finished one....

Geodesic dome house

A while ago I thought it might be cool to have a geodesic dome on my layout. My layout is in a completely fictional setting and not meant to reflect any real country in any real time period, so I figured having a pretty modern house might be cool next to some older wooden buildings, especially if it's a modern design with old materials.

The CQD: Roadbed and Elevation

With track and a track plan, I needed some roadbed. HO cork roadbed was the obvious answer, but that costs, like, money. Well, $30 - $40, for the amount I'd need, keeping in mind the sidings wouldn't need any. Looking around the house, I found a 30" x 40" sheet of 1/8" foam board. A little arithmetic suggested that might be all I'd need. 

eastwind's picture

I've got a name

I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with a good name for my railroad. Since it's freelance, I'm not really constrained. I've been thinking about ways to incorporate my location into the name, with nothing catchy coming to mind.

Inspired today, by a post by Michael Maurer, I've decided to call it the TBNL or TB&L railroad. I'm not quite sure which way I want to go on the N. TB&L looks more like so many other names, but really the acronym needs an N not an And. 

It will stand for the To Be Named Later Railroad. 

wafflebox306's picture

It's been a while... my On30 logging RR

It's been awhile... a long while since I've posted anything here in my MRH blog.  Since the last post, I've moved 4 times, changed jobs 6 times, torn down two layouts, and switched modeling interests and scales as well.  Presently, I am building an On30 logging railroad [to be named later] that will be an L shaped, out-and-back with a sector plate on one end and a turntable at the other.  I will post some pictures now and hopefully, I will be back sooner than later with updates and photos on the progress.


The rich history of the Southern Pacific

andy.dorsch's picture

New Trackplan for the Marshline

Hey Everyone,

I wanted to share how I draw a prototypical track plan using basic methods and without using CAD software.  Its inexpensive and for the most part gets the point across on what I want to do for my model railroad.  Take a look and let me know what you like to use for making a your track plans!



A Pair of Gons Part 2: Overview of SP Gondola Weathering Project

Quickie overview of how I did the second Gondola. Also now available on Ebay.

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