Andy Dorsch andy.dorsch

Hey Everyone,

I wanted to share how I draw a prototypical track plan using basic methods and without using CAD software.  Its inexpensive and for the most part gets the point across on what I want to do for my model railroad.  Take a look and let me know what you like to use for making a your track plans!




Andy Dorsch

Mascoutin Valley Railroad - Northern Division

Check me out on Youtube -

Follow me at the Second Section Podcast!
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Ken Hutnik huthut

Well done!

Straight forward and presented well, thanks for sharing. 

My projects: Ken's Model Trains
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Old school

I'm glad to see I'm not the only person still doing the old school grid paper and pencil method of track planning. I've found it helpful to make a photocopy of my bench work and mainline before adding spurs and yard tracks so any erasing won't destroy my work. Thanks for sharing. 


Btw - what year did you decide on to model the Marshline?

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Nice video

I enjoyed watching this, in fact you could probably make a hobby out of just doing trackplans

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I enjoyed the video; the

I enjoyed the video; the resources are useful ones and the final track plan is presented nicely, but I feel like there were a couple issues in the video that are not addressed. The first is the drawing of the turnouts - they appear to be drawn at a very steep angle (especially in contrast with the 30" radius curves used), which will lead to the various sidings and spurs being a lot shorter than planned.The other is the very narrow aisle on the bottom side right where the operator for the lumber facility would be standing - counting the squares it looks like it's only 12" wide? That's far too narrow for an aisle to just walk through, much less to stand in for a while for operating. I'm a rather thin guy (5'11", 145 lb) and built a layout with a short section of 17" aisle one time and even that was far to narrow to be comfortable.


Baxter Barnes

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Andy Dorsch andy.dorsch

@ Baxter - You're right!

After reviewing your comment, I quick ran downstairs and measured the peninsula in comparison to the trackplan I drew in the video.  It looks like the trackplan wouldn't yield much room.  So I placed my plywood cutouts for sub roadbed and measured the aisle width.  It was about 15 ish inches per side.  Thats not enough, plus after thinking it through the Lumber yard side may be too deep for operations.  So it looks like i'll be contracting the radius for the mainline by a couple of inches and moving most of the curve over to the side of the sand pit.

Good eye!


Andy Dorsch

Mascoutin Valley Railroad - Northern Division

Check me out on Youtube -

Follow me at the Second Section Podcast!
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Andy Dorsch andy.dorsch


Truer words have never been spoken...or written in this case!  I think I have 50+ designs of the Marshline!  I love making them!

Andy Dorsch

Mascoutin Valley Railroad - Northern Division

Check me out on Youtube -

Follow me at the Second Section Podcast!
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Andy Dorsch andy.dorsch

@ Kurto 1980's

Kurto - I'll be modeling the line from 1981 to 1986.  The line was in rough shape and usually only had a crusty GP7 as power on the line.

Andy Dorsch

Mascoutin Valley Railroad - Northern Division

Check me out on Youtube -

Follow me at the Second Section Podcast!
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