
Android App DCC Controller via WiFi (ESP32) and Arduino

Further to my Bluetooth version and great feedback from this site, I have now released an updated design of the DCC system using the ESP32 node MCU module instead of Bluetooth. This allows the user to have more than one mobile phone throttle for club layouts etc.

jeffshultz's picture

2019 NMRA Convention- Day 1 - Driving SLC, first clinics

Day 0:

Okay, Salt Lake City, time for you to take your lumps. Or more properly, the construction zone masquerading as an airport.

mikedeverell's picture

Colorado Front Range Railroad - How to customize photo backdrops July 2019

Have you ever wanted to customize a Photo that you had for a backdrop. I show you one way using LARC Product, Photo backdrop to create a backdrop by combining two of the backdrops in to one. This can be used with your own photos or the LARC Product. Here are the links to the two products that I used but this should get you thinking what you can do for your railroad.



Affinity Photo


jeffshultz's picture

2019 NMRA Convention- Day 0 or - where to get coffee at 6am at Little America

Day 1:


And..... I'm back! 

I arrived at the Little America Hotel in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah about noon today (Saturday). 

I know, you're saying, "Hey, Jeff - the convention doesn't start until Sunday!" 

You're right... but the NMRA Board of Director's meeting is on Saturday and I was going to see if I could make it for that..... and it started at 9am. Nope. 

splitrock323's picture

Adding Digitrax LNWI WiFi to layout

I added the Digitrax LNWI WiFi device to my newer DCS210 command station. It was a very easy set up and I think it will put an end to any issues with radio or IR signals between the throttle and the train/track. 

Here is a short video showing each step. 


Thomas W. Gasior MMR

IAISfan's picture

IAIS's West End - Weathering fun with PanPastels

One of my hobby goals the last couple years has been to get busy weathering my rolling stock.  I've barely scratched the surface toward that end, but finally knocked out a few examples over this long holiday weekend.  Since my favorite medium for rolling stock weathering is PanPastels, I thought I'd start a blog post to document these weathering efforts and hopefully encourage others to try the product.  They're the fastest, easiest method of weathering I've found, and while they're just one tool in our weathering arsenal for more in-depth projects, even b

IAISfan's picture

IAIS's West End - Walthers PD covered hopper rework

I've had this Walthers PD 5125cf covered hopper on the layout since 2008, a gift from my friend Roger Wiebenga.  It was in factory paint until very recently in a very bright scheme that was quite a difference from the Plain Jane prototype I intended to model with it.
Marc's picture

FOS WHARF - A N scale wharf for my Port Elisabeth

Since I move to Canada this summer, my layout is packaged sine a few months and  wait in a container to follow me in Quebec.



Because I'm an avid modeler, I can't wait all this time without making something for the layout.

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