Marc's blog

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Planning the new Maclau River in N scale

Port Allen like it is tomorrow waiting in a big box to be open in summer


I open this blog for the on the way planning and future construction of the extension of my Maclau River in N scale.


I have already mentionned I live now in Québec; the room for my layout need big works which are not started for now,; You all know the winter is heavy here in Canada and the room is not well heated.

Marc's picture

Foss Wharf project in N scale part two

Well I open this blog, because the first about Foss wharf in N scale begun to be too big to follow

These are the next steps on the way about the construction of this N scale project

It's just the continuity of the first blog about my Foss Wharf project,


Marc's picture

FOS WHARF - A N scale wharf for my Port Elisabeth

Since I move to Canada this summer, my layout is packaged sine a few months and  wait in a container to follow me in Quebec.



Because I'm an avid modeler, I can't wait all this time without making something for the layout.

Marc's picture

A rotary coal dumper in N scale from an old kit of 45 years old


As some of you know I have and heavy interest in coal transportation with trains and ship.

I'm modeling in N scale and started  two years ago  the construction of an N scale high lift coal dumper.

Because of some health troubles work on this model had slow down, even if I restart to work on it.

In Belgium we have a big train show every two years, the next one coming in 2018.

By request of friends, they push me to make a module to be showed at this show.

Marc's picture

Building a Nscale laser kit


This is my second blog; some  of us now  my first about a Nscale high lift coal dumper which is a little bit slow down because of some special design piece whith CAD and the wait  of the design from a friend.

So because I can't stop to build  something I started this new project, a  N scale Architect laser kit; this is their LONG VALLEY LUMBER kit.


Marc's picture

A big Project: A working high lift rotary coal dumper in Nscale

[ ADMIN NOTE: The images in this post are no longer avaialble because of changes in the Photo Bucket hosting service. You can see the photos in a slide show on Photo Bucket ]


I acquired the plan of a High lift rotary coal dumper, nearly the same which is still in use at Sandusky.

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