Layout design

Desert Grande Layout Part 2 Progress

So with my club layout area spruced up and the chores out of the way - those other projects I had on the burners, though there's a lot still on there! - I took a moment to relax with a little work...this has been in the works, while I plotted out my $500 layout...I've embellished upon the initial plan quite a bit, so we're a bit beyond the scope of the initial $500 "getting started" project.

I went ahead and put all the prior work in this blog here:

JC Shall's picture

Train Detection and/or Observation on Hidden Track

I have several locations on my recently started layout that will have some hidden trackage where I plan to stage trains.  I had originally planned to use optical detectors to show me where a train is on this track and when to stop it (when returning to staging).

I've been wondering though if I should consider using several cameras strategically placed, all tied to a small monitor.  It seems that it would be easier to determine exactly where the trains are, their speed, direction, etc. using a system like this.

jeffshultz's picture

A portable display layout.. part 5

You know that point where you get done to the point that the rest of it just seems to go into overdrive? 

Yeah, normally me neither. 

But this time... about two days ago I looked at the layout and pretty much went, hey, this is finished enough to show!

Title Conflict and Shelf-work

I have an umbedingt crisis on my hands! I love my acronym WIHLA for my railroad title, but on my blog I have given it the name, "Switzerland in a Cube".  Not as mysterious, but a little more descriptive (although What I Had Lying Around is actually quite descriptive).

I should also mention, that I have finished my post about my benchshelf-work.  Check it out here.

Turn out on slope

Is it possible to put a turnout on a 2% slope ??

jeffshultz's picture

A portable display layout.. part 4

Okay, so I'm now to the inside of the track when it comes to scenery - outside the track was pretty simple, but going inside meant I had to decide what Lone Hill Park actually looks like. 

I decided to start with the walking paths in order to define sections to the park - a large field for kite flying, smaller sections for picnic tables, and of course Lone Hill, with it's path to the top. 

jeffshultz's picture

A portable display layout.. part 3

Okay, the "Portable Display Layout" now has a name - the Lone Hill Park RR. 

Once I decided to build a portable layout like this, I also decided that I was going to use it to do a few things I've not done before - such as making a major terrain feature out of foam and Celluclay. 

I've used Sculptomold before but have been told that Celluclay is superior - it does appear to be more fine grained a product. However, I've also discovered that at around 65-69deg F. it also takes forever to dry/cure. 

rickwade's picture

Richlawn Railroad V2 - it has begun!

Well, we're actually moved to Apopka, Fl. Which is just outside Orlando. Although our new home is crammed full of unopened boxes it doesn't mean that the planning process can't begin on my new railroad. I've asked my good friend and expert designer Scott Perry to do the design which will be loosely based on my good friend Kevin Klettke's wonderful Washington Northern RR. . I have the same size space as Kevin and since he won't ship me his layout (12ft X 10ft) I guess I'll just have to build my own.

arthurhouston's picture

Brandywine & Benedictine RR part II

This is part II of a great model Railroad that I visited and operated on in Oct 2012. Part I is located on my blog site.

I-35/80 & Hwy 141

Finished up the I-35/80 and Hwy 141 overpasses on my IAIS Grimes Line layout this afternoon.

Each overpass used modified Rix Products piers and railings. The road deck is .060 styrene. The highway sign is a Summit Custom Cuts kit.


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