Locos and rolling stock

DRGW_488_Fan's picture

Please show us your Ten-Wheelers and Twelve-Wheelers

This is the sixth entry to the "Please show us" series and will be focusing on non-articulate steamers with a four-wheel lead truck and no trailing truck (excluding the 4-4-0 which we discussed previously).  As previously mentioned, this sixth entry to the series will be posted outside of the blog format.  It will also determine whether or not I continue the series.

Interesting prototype: Platform Gondolas

Amtrak created some interesting platform gondolas--a very unusual prototype that might not be hard to model, perhaps they are parked at a station where track work is in progress, Perhaps parked on a siding somewhere before or after the project.




kh25's picture

Atlas Trainman gp39-2 coupler screw and coupler box

Hi I'm in need of a coupler  screw and housing for an Ho scale Atlas Trainman gp39-2 anyone have any to sell?

Thank you

Dynamic Brake Housing for a Athearn SD 40-2 Blue Box


  I collect Athearn Blue Box Trains. I have lost a couple of the Dynamic Brake Housings on my SD 40-2's. Can anyone give me a company that still makes these? The Athearn part number is 45038. This is a easy part to come loose and I have managed to loose two of them just transporting them from my house to where my club is. I would appreciate any help you may offer. Thank you very much.

Shorting Sunset Models Brass O-8

Hello everyone. 

I am a novice at brass locos and I have just bought a Sunset Models Great Northern O-8 class. I have the issue of the driving wheels shorting out the test track when attached with the rods. The wheels are fine but once I install the rods it begins to short. I have done everything I can find on the internet to "fix" the issue.

Does anyone have any solutions or have a suggestion for someone to fix it for me?

Bizzare question--how fast could commuter cars run (1970's vintage)

I am working on a story set in the 1970's.  There's a disaster requiring fast evacuation of New Orleans (hurricane coming--bad one)

Someone had the bright idea of using passenger trains to help move people--but there aren't enough.  If you were to commandeer commuter trains from places like Boston and New York, how fast could they be run (average speed, including stops for any needed maintenence) swapping out locos as needed, assuming decent track condition--which may not be the case in the late 70's.

Airbrush primer?

Hi all

i am attempting to learn airbrushing and am spraying Vallejo Model Air through a Badger Patriot 105.  Mostly I’ll be re painting stripped plastic HO rolling stock.  

Question: what do y’all use for a primer with Model Air (if any)?  




help to identify N scale loco Arnold Serie 2

I came across some model freight trains of my late father. And could use some assistance identifying the loco in the pic. It runs!. I'm still learning the wheel nomenclature.

Is this an 0-6-0?

The middle two wheels don't drive but not sure if that is just a model difference or if original was built same way? 


As always, thanks in advance for review and comment. This is always a very helpful forum.

Weathering Attempt Pt. 2

This is my first real attempt at weathering a hopper car. It's a standard bluebox but I wanted to get feedback from the community on what I can do better. Last time I posted the overall tone was too heavy. Hopefully this is better.

pierre52's picture

Help to identify Loco

Not being a steam era buff could someone please help me to identify this Loco.   We are using it as a tribute piece to a deceased club member.

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